
By Aisha Sherazi

Communication breakdown
What’s happening today?
We don’t say what we mean,
And we don’t mean what we say.

We trundle along in life,
Not speaking when we should,
We wait until it’s too late,
And then say nothing good.

We don’t look at each other,
Nor smile as much these days,
We are all so busy,
Being busy is the craze.
But what is so important?
That we don’t really talk?
Why don’t we make time?
Instead of running, we could walk.

We use our text messages,
Our computers, to speak for us,
We use our telephones,
And rely on our trust.
It’s hard to know what’s behind talk,
If you’re not face to face,
It’s hard to get a clear message,
Isn’t it a disgrace?

That we don’t meet each other,
And look eye to eye?
That we don’t take the time,
And understand why.

Why it is so important?
We connect and really speak,
Why it is essential,
We truly listen and not freak?

When someone suggests something,
That’s so far from our minds,
World peace depends on these things,
So let’s not be so behind.

We’ve got to make an effort,
And truly realize,
This isn’t really connecting,
It isn’t civilized.

Aisha Sherazi is a Muslim poet and has written many thought-provoking poems on a variety of topics such as gender issues, global warming, and terrorism. She is also known for her stand on humanitarian concerns and is a social activist. 

Reflection Questions:

  • Do any of these stanzas resonate with you?
  • With whom is it easy/difficult to communicate? Why?
  • What communication skills do you see that you have?
  • How would you like to grow in communication?

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