The Two Feet of Social Action

Activity to discuss the desired balance between service and justice.

  1. Everyone stand up! Stand on one foot and think of all the times that you offered service or helped someone out. Think of all the moments that you were doing charity of some kind. When you are finished thinking about these moments you may put your foot down.
  2. Now stand on your other foot. Think of all the times that you worked toward changing a structure or system of some kind.  Think of all the times you advocated for someone, called your legislature, or anything else you would consider working for justice. When you are finished thinking about these moments you may put your foot down.
  3. Did you notice a difference between the two? Did you stand longer on one foot than the other? Why?

We need both feet – both charity and justice – if we are in this for the long haul.  Direct service is important, but it is also important to start asking ‘why’ we are doing what we are doing and ‘what’ are the causes of the injustice and poverty we witness.

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