Merry Wives of Windsor, the arc theatre, closes 8/12/2018. MARK BOERGERS (MFA, Acting, ’10) directs. JULIA ATKIN (BFA, Acting, ’17), TEDDY BOONE (BFA, Acting, ’10/MFA, Acting, ’19), PAMELA MAE DAVIS (MFA, Acting, ’12), and ANDREW GALLANT (MFA, Acting, ’09/Faculty) are in the cast. CAILIN SHORT (BFA, Theatre Arts, ’11) is the set and props designer.
Andrew Gallant
Chagrin Falls by The Agency Theater Collective
Chagrin Falls, The Agency Theater Collective at The Den Theatre, closes 12/11/16. SOMMER AUSTIN (Faculty) directs. ANDREW GALLANT (MFA, Acting, ’09) is the artistic director. ZACH DE NARDI (MFA, Acting, ’15) is the technical director, ELLIE HUMPHRYS (BFA, Lighting Design, ‘12) is the lighting designer, ALEC LONG (BFA, Scene Design, ‘12) is the props designer, and GREG PINSONEAULT (BFA, Scene Design, ’15) is the scenic designer.
Source: Now Playing | The Den Theatre
No Shame Theatre by The Agency Theater Collective
No Shame Theatre, The Agency Theater Collective at the Lincoln Loft, open run. ANDREW GALLANT (MFA, Acting, ’09) is the artistic director. No Shame Theatre is an open-mic event where the first fifteen pieces to come to the door are performed, as long as they’re original, under five minutes, and don’t break any laws. Saturdays ONLY at 10PM.
Source: THE AGENCY THEATER COLLECTIVE | We are The Agency. So are you.
Truth in Context by The Agency Theater Collective
Truth in Context, The Agency Theater, closes 8/23/15. AWATE SEREQUEBERHAN (BFA, Acting, ’15) is in the cast. GREG PINSONEAULT (BFA, Scene Design, ’15) designed the set. ELLIE HUMPHRYS (BFA, Lighting Design, ’12) designed the lighting. AT THE AGENCY: ANDREW GALLANT (MFA, Acting, ’09) is the artistic director. CECILIA FALTER (BFA, Theatre Management, ’15), and ELLIE HUMPHRYS (BFA, Lighting Design,’12) are company members.
Source: THE AGENCY THEATER COLLECTIVE | We are The Agency. So are you.
The Spirit of Seventy-Six at The Agency Theater Collective
The Spirit of Seventy-Six, The Agency Theater Collective, closes 3/20/2016. MARK MOCARSKI (BFA, Acting, ’15), CARTER PETRAY (BFA, Acting), and JACK SCHULTZ (BFA, Acting) are in the cast. ELLIE HUMPHRYS (BFA, Lighting Design, ’12) is the lighting designer. ANDREW GALLANT (MFA, Acting, ’09, Faculty) co-directs.