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Faculty Steward: William Gilliland

William Gilliland, an Associate Professor in Biological Sciences, exemplifies the spirit of sustainability through his remarkable initiatives in beekeeping and environmental education. His dedication to fostering a greener campus and community will leave a lasting impact on both the university and the environment. William’s journey into sustainability began with his involvement in the Howard Area…

Alumni Steward: Danielle Russell

Danielle Russell graduated from DePaul in 2016 with a Bachelor’s in Sociology and minors in Peace, Justice, & Conflict Studies, and Community Service Studies. During her time at DePaul, she was passionate about youth empowerment and engagement through Restorative Justice practices within the Community Peacemakers program. She also worked with young students to improve their…

Student Steward: Jakob Deszcz

Jakob Deszcz, who graduated with a B.A. in Environmental Studies in June 2023, organized an effort to collect plastic bags and plastic film on campus. The plastic was collected through bins placed in the Environmental Science and Studies office and the east entrance of the Richardson library.  When the bins were full, Jacob took the…