Quick Facts
Nowadays there is a big focus on data, lists, and numbers. At DePaul, we are no different. We love our numbers, whether it is 10 (our number of academic colleges), 36 (the number of acres of our Lincoln Park Campus), or 23,799 (our current enrollment between our undergraduate and graduate programs).
When we were founded in 1898, we were known as the “Little School Under the El,” and have since grown to be the largest Catholic institution in the country and among the top 12 largest private universities in the nation. But look beyond these numbers and you’ll still see the heart of our mission as an institution of higher learning. DePaul is the largest institution in the country with a primary focus of teaching and service. One need only look to our student to faculty ratio of 17:1, our average class size of 24, and that 99% of our classes under the size of 50 to see DePaul’s commitment to individual student success.
But DePaul is so much more than the sum of our parts. We are an institution deeply rooted in our dedication to social justice, promoting change and equal opportunity, and preparing our students to understand the world and be ready for it.
Emily’s Story
Major: Psychology (concentration in Human Development) & Spanish | Minor: Latin American and Latino Studies
Before coming to DePaul, the only community service I had done were the hours that I was required to complete in order to graduate high school. I always believed that I was too busy to make time for service, or that it was too difficult to find somewhere to do service. What I did not realize was that I was preparing to go to a university that prides itself on giving back to the world around it.
DePaul has a strong focus on following in the steps of St. Vincent de Paul and doing service in the city of Chicago and beyond. This was one of the first things I noticed once I got to DePaul. After meeting with many activists and community organizers my first week of school, I realized how important, and fun, community service was. I also found a few other people in my class that felt the same way.
After looking for ways to give back to the community we decided to work with Chicago Coalition for the Homeless. We were able to create our own DePaul chapter of this organization, and create our own service site through the university. We now help educate DePaul students about homelessness in our city and nation, and help make meals at a homeless shelter each week. We also work to fight homelessness in Chicago and Illinois by reaching out to different politicians and fighting for homeless rights.
Before coming to college I never imagined that so much of my time would be consumed by community service. DePaul has a ton of different service organizations that range from tutoring at elementary schools in the city to walking dogs. We also have a large service event called Vincentian Service Day where DePaul students go all around the city to volunteer for the day. DePaul makes community service more than just work, it is a way to learn about the city we live in and the people that surround us. I am so glad that I have experienced the service aspect of DePaul’s mission, it has made my college experience even more fulfilling.