Natalie Manwaring

Natalie Manwaring

Natalie Manwaring By Zoë Eitel When Natalie Manwaring’s internship as a 3D Game Artist at Fluid Content was put on an unexpected hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, she was luckily also working as a 3D CGI Intern at another company: PETAL et. Al. Since the internship...
Chris Wade

Chris Wade

Chris Wade By Kelsey Schagemann, In the Loop: Spring 2019 A billboard was partly responsible for getting Chris Wade (CDM ’15) to DePaul. An avid gamer, Wade noticed posters on campus for “Octodad,” the popular video game created by a group of DePaul students, when he...
Alexis Auditore

Alexis Auditore

Alexis Auditore By Craig Keller, In the Loop: Fall 2019 Alexis Auditore (CDM ’05) kept watch over Captain America’s shield, Thor’s hammer and Iron Man’s armor for nine years. She took her duties seriously, but didn’t share the awestruck adoration of other mortals when...
Jackson Schreiber

Jackson Schreiber

Jackson Schreiber By Zoë Eitel While searching for an internship for the summer of 2020, Jackson Schreiber was worried about finding any opportunity at all due to how many others were also searching and because of the COVID-19 pandemic. When he found an internship...
Jordan Hasek

Jordan Hasek

Jordan Hasek By Zoë Eitel When the COVID-19 pandemic shut down a lot of work places in Chicago, SET ACTIVE started hosting community Zoom meetings for people to ask questions of business owners and influencers. Jordan Hasek tuned in to one of these meetings and asked...