Result I: Web App Builder (GIS model) – Smart Airbnb Search in Chicago

(Click here to open the web app)

The figure below displays the interface of the web application of the smart Airbnb search in Chicago, helping cost conscious travelers find the ideal Airbnb rental home that is the most convenient to the area of their choice. The geoprocessing widget, named as “Airbnb Home Selection”, is utilized on this web application to perform the Airbnb rental sites selection with the criteria designed from the GIS Model Builder.

To start operating this web app, you can click the “toolbox” icon on the upper right of this app to execute the Airbnb site selection. Under the input section, there are two different parameters that can be manually modified according to your preference, “the radius of your interest” and “distance from train stations”. After you drop a pin on this web map to indicate your preferred location search of interest and set two parameters, you may click the “execute” button, then the result of this input function as output, will display certain spots in Chicago that satisfy those two input parameters. Also, considering budget conscious travelers in favor of the convenience of short distance to major transit, by default, this app has combined the criterion of the most walkable areas in Chicago, according to the National Walkability Index from United States Environmental Protection Agency. It will take about 12 seconds for this app to deliver the result after your input. The output of Airbnb home locations can be downloaded as CSV file that contains the details of each Airbnb listings. Or you can click those output dots and use the pop-up information to search and plan your Airbnb rental with the URL in each specific Airbnb location.