2010 Population Density map in the City of Chicago
This application features a thematic layer of the estimated population of each census tract per square mile in Chicago in the year 2010. The darker color of a census tract indicates higher population density in that census tract. Besides, DePaul University’s Richardson Library at the Lincoln Park Campus and the Department of Geography of DePaul University are noted in this map application.
The John T. Richardson Library at the Lincoln Park Campus supports programs in the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, College of Science and Health, College of Education, School of Music, and the Theatre School. Founded in 1948, DePaul’s Department of Geography is the largest and most comprehensive in the city of Chicago. Our mission is to provide students with a high quality geographic education in which teaching and research excellence are paramount. Geography students explore a range of subject areas including urban and cultural analysis, political geography, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and issues of sustainability, conservation and development.
Both two selected map notes are located in a high population density area in Chicago. The census tract where the library is has the 48,250 – 88,275 people per square mile, while the Department of Geography is situated at the tract of 29,700 – 48,250 people per square mile, which is less dense.