The blessing of health – even in a thistle — during National Women’s Health Week


Perhaps it’s no coincidence that National Women’s Health Week starts on Mother’s Day amid a pandemic — when everyone sorely needs a healing touch.

Yet it is ironic that a prickly plant like the thistle — the blessed thistle, not to be confused with milk thistle — might just be a tonic for stressed-out moms in this thistly time.

Blessed thistle, as a tea or a liquid, has been used to help new mothers increase the flow of breast milk (though it should never be used during pregnancy) and to ease digestion and calm an upset stomach.

The plant is thought to stimulate blood flow to the mammary glands and increase prolactin, a hormone that boosts a new mother’s milk supply.

Sara Chana Silverstein, author of “Moodtopia: Tame Your Moods, De-stress and Find Balance Using Herbal Remedies, Aromatherapy and More,” said she tells new moms to first try Fenugeeek and Goats Rue to help with breastfeeding. She also mixes all three herbs, including Blessed thistle, depending on the situation.

Take care if you have allergies and ask a doctor if you’re taking medications that might cause a reaction.





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