Mark Feb. 5 on your calendar and wear red — or buy that gorgeous red sweater you’ve had your eye on to make sure you do — to honor efforts to fight heart disease.
You can also help with a social media shout-out using #OurHearts for National Wear Red Day.®
It’s part of American Heart Month throughout February. The goal is to recognize heart disease as a leading cause of death for both men and women, support research and efforts to improve outcomes, and to urge preventive measures to improve your health and well-being.
One natural aid involves herbs, and in particular, turmeric. The turmeric root’s main compound, a volatile oil, contains turmerone and nutritional pigments called curcuminoids.
Curcumin’s antioxidant properties help protect the healthy development of cells and tissues as people age. That happens because curcumin helps promote the adrenal glands’ cortisone production, the cardiovascular system’s response to internal challenges, and slows platelets from forming blood clots to boost healthy blood circulation.
Of course, decades of research offers a wealth of other heart-healthy habits that would make perfect New Year’s resolutions, such as exercise, quitting smoking, eating heart-healthy foods and practicing self-care such as getting adequate sleep and finding positive ways to cope with stress.
That’s easier said than done as COVID variants rage on, but it’s time-tested advice that can keep you strong for the long run.