How to Safely Ensure Your Kitten Gets Omega-3 and Be a Proud Pet Parent


Whether you’re an experienced kitten parent or adjusting to a new kitten friend, it’s important to pay close attention to your pet’s diet.

Since July 10 is “National Kitten Day” — an awareness campaign started by pet and family lifestyle expert Colleen Paige — it’s the perfect time to think about caring for an animal that — surprise! — will grow into a cat.

The campaign includes encouraging adopting kittens from shelters, since many are born there, and ensuring that they are spayed and neutered to prevent more from becoming strays.

Top considerations include the size of your home, whether anyone in your household could be allergic, the time you have to spend with a “baby” pet, visiting a kitten at the shelter to learn its temperament, and finding out whether it plays well with children and any other kinds of pets you have at home.

If you’re ready to be a pet parent, make sure you can afford the necessary vaccinations, vet visits and a good diet.

A key ingredient of a healthy diet is omega-3 fatty acid. It helps cats, kittens and dogs maintain healthy skin and coats. It’s also shown to help kittens with brain and eye development.

Take special care to buy kitten food with fish meal — a good source of natural fish oil — and never use human supplements, which can be harmful to pets.

Also beware cod liver oil.

Though it contains Vitamins A and D and is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, it can harm cats. A better choice is to buy high-quality kitten food.

Consult your veterinarian to evaluate the amount of omega-3 fatty acids your kitten should receive daily.

It can vary based on a kitten’s species, activity level and overall health.

While the details of a proper pet diet may seem daunting, the experience of being a responsible pet parent will see you through the sacrifices.


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