Mental Health Check: How to Be More Resilient, Even if You Think It’s Not in Your Nature


As we read the day’s news headlines, we might be tempted to tell ourselves that we simply cannot cope with a life where COVID-19 and its variants seem to be endless.

But experts say you are perfectly capable of staying resilient, even if you think it’s not in your nature.

How? It’s a critically timely question as students and teachers return to the classroom, still wearing masks and socially distanced, and as mental health awareness gets a boost with World Mental Health Day on Oct. 10 and Mental Illness Awareness Week Oct. 3-9.

One key is resilience. First, what does resilience mean? It’s a process of adapting to adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or significant sources of stress, whether personally or in the workplace.

Resilience is so important because it not only helps you get through difficult circumstances, it also empowers you to grow and even improve your life along the way.

Like building a muscle, increasing your resilience takes time and intentionality, and, much as you’d like to escape it, you will still face distress and difficulty.

Here are ways to stay on top of your best self and, if you need help, know when to ask for it.

  • Find trustworthy and compassionate people who validate your feelings.
  • Accept help and support from people who care about you.
  • Network and stay active in ventures that give you joy and a sense of purpose. That might be civic or faith-based groups or local community social services agencies.
  • Stay vigilant about exercise — daily if possible — as well as eating healthily and getting lots of sleep.
  • Adopt mindful practices such as yoga, journaling or meditation.

Perhaps the most difficult habit is to stop your mind from racing as you jump to the worst possible scenario and then panic.

It may sound old-fashioned, but counting to 10 before you respond to a situation really can let you center yourself. Then, experts say, talk to yourself as you would console a friend or partner, saying something like, “OK, this is a tough situation, but you are strong and resilient. You can deal with this.”

Allow yourself to acknowledge that things change — and they can change for the better. Remind yourself of obstacles you’ve overcome in the past.

That doesn’t mean that you bury or deny negative emotions. We just don’t take a next step of falling down a rabbit hole of despair.

Language plays a big part in staying hopeful. Experts recommend repeating a word or phrase that affirms your values. Or close your eyes and picture the details — the sights, sounds, smells and feelings — of a marvelous memory that makes you feel alive and happy. Give that feeling a name.

Allow yourself permission to get counsel. Psychologists and psychiatrists are widely available on Zoom, and many operate on a sliding-fee scale so that your income determines the fee.

Even as you feel uncertain, repeat meaningful songs, phrases and verses that you know from your past: “The Lord is My Shepherd” or “We Are the Champions” or basketball coach John Wooden’s favorite, “Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out.”


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