The Best Sugar-free Iced Tea Recipes as Warm Weather Beckons


Now that outdoor temperatures are moving into the 80s from the low 60s, it’s time for the drink that refreshes. No, not that one – it’s iced tea.

Yes, the drink that harkens to carefree days rocking or swinging on the front porch.

Now that we’re in the almost-post-COVID era of digging up old recipes or inventing new ones, it’s time to hang onto our infatuation with the kitchen and create new tea flavors. And besides, June is National Iced Tea Month.

The key ingredients remain: Two or three tea bags, a pan in which to boil water, and a sweetener or a sugar substitute. You’ll want to let the tea bags steep in the boiling water for eight to 10 minutes before you let stand and then refrigerate or pour over iced cubes.

Add in a flavorful zing while the tea is hot.

Let your imagination and taste buds take over. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Monk Fruit Sweetener with Erythritol, granular
  • Lemon and fresh basil leaves
  • Raw honey
  • Coconut water and one-half lime
  • A pitted and sliced peach
  • Fresh blackberries
  • Fresh mint

Challenge your friends and family to a contest, and see how many ways you can enjoy sugar-free iced tea this summer. What a great way to celebrate renewed get-togethers.



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