Best Ways to Keep Your Stress-fighting Adrenal Glands Healthy Naturally


The coronavirus pandemic has led to such ubiquitous feelings of anxiety, irritability and depression, how do you know if you’re physically healthy?

Is your cough a sign of dehydration — or something worse? What if you start having muscle aches? Or if you feel exhausted for no reason? The mere thought of going to the doctor’s office brings on new anxiety about potential COVID-19 exposure.

Beware the effects of bad eating habits, skipping breakfast and lunch, failing to drink water regularly and turning to alcohol to soothe your mood. Lack of sleep adds to stress and the ability to fight off illness. You’re doing your adrenal glands no favors, and those glands’ health is vital to yours.

Adrenal glands are vital to your battle against stress, as well as to the health of your major organs. The adrenal glands produce cortisol, whose most important roles are to boost your immune system’s response to inflammation; maintain regular blood pressure and heart function; and balance the effects of insulin in breaking down sugar for energy.

Start with the basics. Avoid overdoing the caffeine, fast food, processed foods, sugared soda, artificial sweeteners, white flour, white sugar and other bad-for-you foods. Focus instead on eating vegetables and foods high in magnesium and vitamins B-5, B-6 and C.

If you find you need extra adrenal support, consult a doctor. You may need to take a supplement with the necessary vitamins, minerals, herbal pharmaceuticals and other compounds that counteract stress’ effects.

But there’s plenty that you can do, too, even though it’s admittedly tough when you want to curl into a ball and binge-watch videos and movies. Whatever carrot-or-stick approach works for you, make a checklist of these healthy habits:

  • Eat breakfast within an hour of waking up, and eat regular meals throughout the day. Drink at least one glass of water in the morning with a quarter-teaspoon of Celtic sea salt, which contains minerals that nourish your adrenals.
  • Walk outdoors to get fresh air.
  • Soak in an Epsom salts bath at least a couple times a week.
  • Eat foods rich in Magnesium, such as nuts, kale, tofu, bananas, legumes, avocado, collard greens and — best news yet — dark chocolate.

You may be surprised at how much better it feels to become a warrior against stress.



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