8:30am – 9:00am
Check-In and Breakfast
9:00 – 9:20
Welcome and Introduction of Keynote Speaker
9:20 – 10:05
Keynote Speaker
- Andrea Sáenz, President and CEO, Chicago Community Trust
Title: From Research to Results: Catalyzing Chicago Through Data-Driven Social Innovation
- Fernando De Maio, Moderator
10:15 – 10:55
Invitation to Innovate: Using Innovation Day as a Springboard
Session Chair and Moderator: Sarah Weisz
11:00 – 12:10
Panel – Campus and Community in Dialogue: Engaging Community Partners in Teaching and Scholarship
Session Chair and Moderator: Michelle Stuhlmacher
12:55 – 2:05
Panel – Creative Frontiers: How the Arts Transform Research and Innovation
Session Chair and Moderator: Rob Steel
2:10 – 3:20
Panel – Entrepreneurial Thinking Across the Disciplines
Session Chair and Moderator: Gabriella Bucci
3:20 – 4:30
Innovation Showcase and Networking
Session Chair: Lauren Miller