• I want to create a blog account. Where do I begin? How do I log in?
  • Visit blogs.depaul.edu and choose the type of account you wish to have. If you are a student or faculty member, follow the instructions and your blog can be set up in a few easy steps. Return to this page to log in each time you want to post.
  • How do I publish a blog post?
  • Click here for detailed instructions on how to publish a blog post.
  • How often should I post?
  • You should first consider who your audience is and decide how often you feel comfortable creating content. Experts say adding to your blog about twice a week is ideal. Whatever you decide, just remember – consistency is key!
  • I haven’t used WordPress before. Is training available?
  • The Department of Information Services has put together a detailed web page with instructions on how to use DePaul blogs. Please review the details at https://offices.depaul.edu/information-services/services/voice-and-digital-communications/Pages/blogs-instructions.aspx
  • Why is Google Analytics and why is it important for bloggers? How do I install GA for my blog site?
  • Google Analytics is a free service that allows you to monitor who visits your site and when, how your visitors found it and how they interact with your content. You can use this information to understand your audience and improve traffic over time. Once you have opened an account, Google Analytics will provide you a tracking code that you can install on your site. Click here to watch a video tutorial.