2024 CEC Student Ambassador: Jiana Avila

Jiana Avila (B.S. in Entrepreneurship, June ‘24)









What initially sparked your interest in entrepreneurship? 

Before touching on entrepreneurship, I think it’s first important to acknowledge my childhood and upbringing. I grew up on the North Side of Chicago and was very fortunate to have played the violin for 10 years with a non-profit called The People’s Music School. Both my parents are artistic — my dad is a graphic designer and my mom teaches art at CPS — so you can imagine that the arts and creation have always been a part of my life.

During my first year at DePaul, I was business – undecided and I used a lot of that time trying to really get to know myself. Doing check-ins, asking if I enjoyed the business core, if they resonated at all, and if I could picture myself in certain industries. At the end of the day, everything felt too narrow and the only thing that truly left room for creativity was entrepreneurship. I could stay true to my individuality, meanwhile transforming into the business leader I know I can be. That there was room for possibility in the midst of problems, and that I could be of service to others through my solutions. Entrepreneurship presented itself as an all-encompassing subject, where I could create good in the world in a meaningful and innovative way.

What motivated you to become a student ambassador for the CEC? 

As someone who’s participated in the CEC summer internship program, which opened a number of doors for me, I felt called to help connect others to the center. While the CEC is well known within the Management department, I wanted to help bridge that gap with other students within the college. Entrepreneurship is inclusive to anyone with a passion, a great idea, or an urgency to generate change. So when I’m invited into classrooms, a point I really try to drive home is there’s something for everyone at the center- this can be a pitch competition, mentors, or a funding workshop. We have so much to offer. It’s just a matter of amplifying our reach to students, which is where I come in!

What excites you most about being a CEC student ambassador?

The most rewarding aspect of being a Student Ambassador is the ability to work on a number of different projects with such an exceptional team alongside you. I don’t think I’ve ever come across such a cohesive group, where collaboration is truly celebrated. I recently finished a marketing campaign to reintroduce the blog and hit a creative block for quite some time. But with some feedback from a team meeting, I was redirected onto a clearer path and now it’s something I’m really proud of!

Other than that, I’ve also planned and hosted events such as the Her Campus at DePaul Sol De Janeiro Sampling Event, where I had 200+ samples of their Delicia Drench product line to distribute. This even was all hands on deck — from photography to facilitating traffic at the door to providing instructions about the event and signage to having 1:1 discussions about the CEC. It was so rewarding to witness everything unfold, especially with such a high turnout of women attendees — all the while, doing it with my exceptional team!

What do you hope to achieve as a student ambassador? 

I hope that in the students I come across, they leave knowing that there is a space for them and sometimes you find your community in unexpected ways. However, in order to make all of this happen, you have to show up for yourself and take the first step. This can be incredibly daunting and overwhelming, but you will never know what may come of it if you don’t try. So come visit us at the center — whether that’s through a networking event or just during your lunch. We love seeing new faces. We hope to see you soon!


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