Sports Tourism Students Brainstorm Lifestyle Ideas for the NASCAR Chicago Street Race

This past Wednesday, September 18th, students studying sports business had quite the exciting day. For starters, Professor Andy Clark’s Sports Tourism class was joined by Julie Giese, President of the NASCAR Chicago Street Race, for both a presentation and brainstorming session.

Race President Julie Giese Joins the Class

Julie began the first half of the class with a presentation on both the 2023 and 2024 street races, including slides on on-site partner activations, community impact, and much more. Giese stated that the annual event is “more than a race, it’s about being a part of the community 365 days a year,” explaining that it’s almost more important what the NASCAR team is doing all-year round leading up to the event, specifically working with local businesses and charities to create a greater impact within the community, and leveraging what they learn each year to continue improving their operations.

Surprisingly, the race weekend is much more than just the race itself. With various events like NASCAR Day at the Chicago Cubs and an on-site music festival, many attendees come for more than just the race. In fact, about 40% attend primarily for the music! Julie explained that these activations, including the music festival, aim to “[create] additional interest and curiosity surrounding the event” which is essential for “appealing to a new audience and adding diversity to the event.” From pre-race marketing events to on-site activities, each element enhances the race weekend, offering an interactive experience for attendees.

Following Julie’s presentation, students collaborated in teams, brainstorming strategies in which NASCAR could boost interest and engagement around the street race, while aiming to attract both tourists and locals. Each group then presented their proposals (pictured below) to Julie, Professor Clark, and Dr. Lisa Young, the Director of the School of Hospitality and Sports Business. Both a first place and a runner-up team were selected, with each winning team taking home prizes!

After class, Professor Clark and his students, as well as Julie Giese and Dr. Young, made their way across the street to attend an event hosted by the Sports Business Club and the School of Hospitality and Sports Business. At the “Kick Off The Year” event in the Marriott Lounge (3rd floor, 14 East Jackson), students were greeted with refreshments and games, and even had the opportunity to network with DePaul Sports Business Alumni! The Sports Business Club executive board spoke as well, introducing themselves and their roles, along with discussing exciting upcoming events for the club. The event had a great turnout and was an exciting way to ring in the new school year!

Julie Giese and Professor Clark

Between Julie Giese’s presentation, and the welcome back event (more pictures below!), students certainly had a well-rounded day learning about sports tourism, while even networking with industry professionals who were once in their shoes!


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