The Department of Finance and Real Estate introduced two new Finance clubs at the beginning of the academic year, DePaul Inclusion in Finance (DIF) and the DePaul Females in Finance (FIF) Initiative.
DePaul Inclusion in Finance strives to empower diverse individuals to be driven, confident, and prepared for careers within finance and beyond. Their goal is to provide professional opportunities in high-potential undergrads at an early stage.
Their mission is to bridge the gap between qualified diverse candidates and careers in finance. DIF’s values include promoting personal growth, inclusion, drive and leadership. Upcoming events will include inclusion workshops, team-building workshops, self-management tips, and much more! DIF holds meetings on Tuesdays from 4:30 – 5:30 throughout the academic year. Click here to apply to become a member.
DePaul Females in Finance Initiative is a student organization that aims to empower females pursuing careers in Finance. FIF will have a strong focus on self-development and expanding members’ knowledge to reduce the confidence gap between men and women, to encourage female empowerment and ally-ship, and to create strong future leaders.
This group was created because of the missing support systems in the finance industry and the lack of self esteem and confidence women generally have when compared to their male counterparts. The four key pillars of FIF aim to focus on personal growth, providing an empowering environment, building industry knowledge and to create a community of women supporting other women. Events include interview practice, industry-related competitions, speaker series, and much more! FIF meets on Wednesdays from 4:00 – 5:15. Click here to apply to become a member.
By Mackenzie Larsen