On Tuesday, March 2nd, DePaul Inclusion in Finance (DIF) and Protiviti had their joint event “Breaking into the industry.” Among the panelists were Mai Thao-Chan, a Manager in Protiviti’s Risk & Compliance practice, Dante Harrold, also a Manager in Protiviti’s Risk & Compliance practice, and Juaquin Rodiguez, an Associate Director in Protiviti’s Risk & Compliance practice. DIF also invited other Protiviti employees to join in on the conversation in hopes of having a strong impact on the students interested in breaking into the industry.
This event allowed for diverse professionals from Protiviti to talk about their individual stories, highlighting how they have progressed within the industry to get to where they are today. The members of DIF were able to have a conversation with senior managers about their experiences graduating from college and transitioning into full time work while also driving Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the industry. This was a great event and opportunity for the members to see that diversity can be crucial within the industry and builds confidence in those from similar backgrounds.
Protiviti will also be hosting a Summer Leadership Conference May 20th and May 21st. This opportunity will allow for the attendees to learn about Protiviti, develop professional skills, meet consultants at all levels, gain a better understanding of the consulting career path, and have the opportunity to interview for a Protiviti internship. If you are interested in signing up, click here!
By Mackenzie Larsen