Why I like the Quarter System
Unlike some universities which follow a Semester system for their classes, DePaul prefers adhering to the quarter system. Each quarter lasts ten weeks and there are three active quarters where the university is in session (fall, winter and spring). There’s also a summer quarter that some students also use.
There are three significant vacations to make note of:
1. Winter break: This takes place right after the fall quarter and the average duration is about eight weeks.
2. Summer break: This vacation spans about fifteen weeks and is generally from mid-June to August-end.
3. Spring break: This is the shortest of the three and only lasts for about a week. It takes place right after the winter quarter, giving all DePaul students the perfect amount of time to relax and rejuvenate for the upcoming spring quarter.
When I first heard of this, I was a little nervous, as more sessions of college meant more finals and midterms to write. However, I was wrong. There are multiple reasons why I prefer the quarter system rather than the semester system
1. Small Chunks of Information
What I find great about having three sets of learning sessions per year is that you get to learn all the information in smaller pieces. This is what I personally prefer, as it allows me to effectively absorb it all like a sponge. It never gets overwhelming and thanks to most of the professors here being available outside classes too, it decreases the chances of me not understanding a concept and just rushing past it regardless.
2. Easy to Retain the Information
I have found it to be very helpful to also remember the knowledge way easier than otherwise. As it is genuinely less amount of information presented to you at a time, it’s easier to recall it whenever necessary, even beyond the exams.
3. Exams are Easier to Deal with
And thus, the previous two points lead me to this third one. Because the learning process is thorough yet more tangible, it’s more likely to succeed in the midterms (which take place around week 4 or 5) and the finals (which take place around week 10). This helps the students to maintain a healthy GPA. This is critical for students with a scholarship, as one of the terms of continuing to receive it, is to always have a GPA above 2.0.
4. Longer Winter Break
Turning to the rather fun aspects, another reason why I’m so fond of this system is due to the longer winter break we get. This is brilliant for anyone who is living in the city as they get to enjoy the holidays uniquely. You still have plenty of time to go back home and cherish that time of the year with your home friends and family.

5. If Unsatisfied, You Don’t Have to Worry about it a Lot
I hope none of the current or future students have to relate to this last point, but if you are unhappy with a class you have picked and have also passed the deadline to drop or swap it with a different class (ensure to always keep a close eye on important deadlines to avoid such situations), then you have to remember that this one class will be over in 10 short weeks anyway. The issue you have with the subject will evaporate in a blink of an eye.
I hope this gave an in-depth insight into why I like the quarter system so much and I hope all the current and future students will also have a positive experience with it!
-Xo, Tani