Top Ways to Classroom Success

I’ve wrestled with procrastination since I was a kid. Even though I used to put off doing my homework till the last minute and still earned decent scores in high school, I realized it wouldn’t work in college. When I first started college, I felt really overwhelmed, especially because I’d be hurrying to complete all of my schoolwork during the weekend — the weekend should be a time to relax and have fun before the new week begins. The quarter system moves quickly, causing you to feel as if you can’t get a break, so it’s important to remain on top of things.
Here’s how I maintain good grades and stay focused:
1. Staying organized with a planner
Target and CVS have a ton of great ones for $10-$20. After each class, I compile a list of all the homework and other activities I need to complete before the end of the day. It worked brilliantly in ensuring that I didn’t forget anything. I prefer to get checkbox planners so I can simply cross off what I’ve already done, which keeps me motivated to finish the list.
2. Divide your time evenly
I split my time evenly depending on how much time I have left in my day after work or class, so I’m not tackling a lot of homework at the same time. I attempt to finish the shorter or easier assignments first, then move on to the lengthier ones. I divide the larger tasks into chunks and do the minor assignments in between so that it doesn’t feel like I’m just doing one topic at a time. I try to complete homework for an hour straight and then take a 15-minute break, but you may find that dividing your time differently works better for you!
3. Set aside study time
When it comes to midterm or finals week, I enjoy studying in the library for a few hours every day of the week since it helps me concentrate better. To prepare for the exam, I create study guides on Quizlet and read any practice materials given by my professors. Working with other students in the class to form a small study group is really motivational. In the library, I recommend the third and fourth levels for quiet study, as well as the second floor for “easier work” and socializing with others.
4. Don’t forget to relax!
I still have days where I feel overwhelmed, which is perfectly normal. Remember to get some fresh air in between lectures or study sessions by venturing outside. Walking by the lake at sunset is one of my favorite things to do when it’s warmer outside! In the winter, I prefer to have some dinner near my apartment and watch a movie before going to bed!
~ Saira
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