Top 5 Items at the DePaul Loop Campus Bookstore
The DePaul Loop Campus bookstore is an amazing place. It’s both an official university bookstore as well as a full fledged Barnes and Noble. Additionally, it takes up a majority of the first floor of the DePaul Center, which just so happens to be located at the exact center of Chicago in the Loop. There are some awesome finds inside, so I wanted to put together a top five list of the items you should definitely check out if you ever happen to find yourself there.
1. DePaul Merch!
Okay, I have to start off the list with the obvious but must-be-mentioned item, DePaul Merch! The bookstore is the best spot to get your DePaul t-shirts, sweatshirts, jackets, really anything you could want. Also, I tend to notice a new item every time I look around, so they do a great job of keeping the options fresh. Additionally, there’s a really great clearance rack and a ton of options that are quite affordable for someone on a college budget.

2. Board Games
This one is a personal recommendation from me, and one that I think more students should take advantage of. There are so many really fun options at the Loop Campus bookstore, and a bunch of them are shown in the photo to the left. A specific option that I think is really great for college students is Wavelength, which is awesome for both getting to know new people and learning more about your close friends.
3. Test Prep and Study Supplies
This is a less exciting item, but very important nonetheless. There is a wide variety of options for test prep, and I am fully confident that I could find some solid options if I needed to take any of the major university-related tests. Additionally, there are study tools and materials available all throughout the bookstore and you can absolutely find whatever you need to get the most out of your studying, which is really convenient with the library only a few floors up in the same building.

4. Books!
Okay, you might think that this one goes without saying. However, I think that the books in the Loop Campus bookstore are worth mentioning because of the Barnes and Noble aspect. As pictured to the left, there are some really cool options for a ton of classic books which are only available at Barnes and Noble stores. Additionally, you can absolutely rest assured that between the university’s options as well as the Barnes and Noble options you can find any book you need for your classes.
5. DePaul Class Supplies
Now there’s an argument that this one could be considered the same as the DePaul merch or the study materials, but I think it deserves its own spot. As shown in the photo, there are some really cool DePaul folders, notebooks, writing supplies, and basically any other item that you use while you’re a student. I personally am a huge fan of showing off my DePaul gear, and I love that I can do it both with clothing and also with the different materials I use for all my schoolwork.

The Loop Campus Bookstore is a great resource for students located in a main DePaul building in the heart of Chicago. You can find materials for class, resources for your future, something cool to wear, and even something fun to do with your friends all in one convenient location. If you’re ever in the loop, be sure to stop in and browse around for a little while, I have no doubt that you will find something you have to take home.