Tips for Getting the Classes You Want & Graduating on Time
Every quarter, I have successfully gotten the classes that I wanted and am on track to graduate, so here are a few things that I do to make sure I get all the classes I want!
1. Check DPR (Degree Progress Report) and figure out what classes you want for the upcoming quarter
Once you get an email with your class registration date, start looking at the course catalog and look at the classes, professors and times you want and add a few to your course cart. Before I add them to the course cart, I make sure I select the “add to waitlist if full” option to ensure I still have a chance to get in in case the class is full at the time of my registration. If you have any questions, make sure to talk to your advisor a week or two before registration so you can get an appointment.
2. Make sure they’re added to your course cart and check Schedule Optimizer
Once they’re added to your course cart, I like to use the Schedule Optimizer, which can be found in Student Resources on Campus Connect, to find a schedule that works. If classes do overlap, you may have to choose a time you don’t really want or a professor that isn’t the best fit for you, but you have to pick and choose your battles. Don’t forget to check Rate My Professor to see what to expect from each professor.
3. Check Campus Connect for the three days before your time to make sure your desired class is still open
I like to check Campus Connect every day for the three days leading up to my registration date to make sure all my desired classes are still open. If they aren’t, this ensures that I have enough time to find other classes that may fit my schedule.
4. Log into Campus Connect 5-10 mins before your time
When the big day comes, make sure to log in to Campus Connect about 5-10 minutes before your scheduled time. The server may be slow since a lot of people are logging on, but don’t get frustrated!
5. Immediately go to the course cart, select, and enroll!
Once the page loads, select the classes you want and hit enroll. I make sure to take note of the section number if I have multiple of the same type of class in my cart so I don’t get confused. I keep multiple just in case one class gets filled right at the time of my registration.
6. If something is full and so are your backups, it’s not the end of the world
You can always join the waitlist if you didn’t select the option before. You can sometimes even email professors if their class is for your major to let you in. Some professors are really flexible and open up spots for extra students, so it doesn’t hurt to ask. If all else fails, you can always wait until the next quarter. This may even work out better for you without you realizing it, so stay calm and enjoy the ride of college!
~ Saira