Three of my Favorite DePaul Traditions

1. FEST 

FEST is an enormous live music event that takes place on the Quad each Spring. It is almost entirely student-run and feature’s performances from prominent artists in the music industry. In past years, FEST has hosted Lil Yachty, 3OH!3, Diplo, Childish Gambino, Wiz Khalifa and a variety of others. Tickets cost $10 for DePaul student’s and students can bring outside guests as well. FEST is an incredibly inexpensive and unique festival experience and an amazing opportunity to blow off steam at the end of a heavy Spring Quarter! If you attend DePaul or intend to in the future, FEST is a must!

2. Alumni & Family Weekend 

I’m from the East Coast so it’s pretty rare that I have the opportunity to see my family during the school year. This is why Alumni & Family Weekend is one of my favorite traditions at DePaul! Family Weekend is exactly what it sounds like: a weekend for parents and siblings to visit you on campus and see first-hand what your experience at DePaul is like! During this weekend, DePaul hosts a number of events on campus and around Chicago, that allow your family to explore our campus and our city at large. This typically takes place in mid-October and is an amazing time to catch up with family and bond over shared activities that are entertaining for all ages. (And OF COURSE, your family can visit you on campus any other weekend of the year as well). 

 3. Midnight Breakfast 

 Midnight Breakfast is a free event for students hosted during Fall Quarter   finals week. It is an opportunity for students to take a break from their late-   night study sessions and indulge in breakfast foods in the Student Center.   This is one of my favorite DePaul traditions because it allows students to   take a step back, come together during a stressful time and enjoy each other’s company. Also…who doesn’t love free pancakes?!

– Megan Harnaga