Spring Break Plans at DePaul!
The time between winter and spring quarter is the perfect week to travel back home, explore Chicago more, or travel somewhere new!
I asked students what they were doing for spring break this year and the answers varied! One student had a friend coming to visit from Australia! Another was meeting his partner’s family for the first time. A different student was ready to explore the places in Chicago she has yet to go to! And of course, a few just wanted to catch up on sleep before the new quarter started. I will be spending spring break traveling to Arizona and Georgia. I am excited to explore two new places and unwind in warm weather before heading back to Chicago for Spring Quarter.
Spring break serves as a time to reset and catch up before we begin classes again. While other schools are finishing up midterms, we just got through finals! It is a great feeling to not have any responsibilities to worry about over break and know that you’re coming back to an entirely new set of classes. We’re gearing up to start learning a whole new set of information! That is the beauty of the quarter system at DePaul! We get to take extra classes, develop new interests, and go into spring break with the mindset that when we return, we get a fresh start!
I am looking forward to the next ten weeks at DePaul. As the Chicago weather gets warmer I am excited to enjoy the outdoors and attend events on both campuses. My favorite places to hang out in the Spring on campus are the Quad and the DePaul Center Cafeteria Deck in the Loop!
Overall, Spring Break at DePaul is one of my favorite times and I am so excited to begin the final quarter of the year!