10 Ways to Keep a Social Life While Social Distancing
1. Netflix Party
You can still watch your favorite shows with your friends! There are plenty of extensions, such as Netflix Party, that allow you and your friends to watch the same movie or show together and even chat about your reactions to it at the same time. It is a good way to stay connecting while binge watching that TV series you’ve desperately been waiting to watch.
2. Zoom Party
This is an easy way to connect with a large group of your friends no matter what device they have. Also, it is free to use because of the discount you get as a DePaul student!
3. Start a Book Club
This time is perfect to get into the hobby of reading, but reading a book is always more enjoyable when you can talk to other people about it. So, find a group of people or friends that would be interested in reading the same book and that way you can have a book club. Also, by having a club with a set meeting time, it will create more of a schedule to you weeks which is beneficial.
4. Virtual Potluck
Find a group of friends that can video call at the same time, and make sure everyone prepares their own dish. Then your group of friends can meet virtually and enjoy a meal together. You can even make a theme for it to make it more exciting.
5. Write Letters
Even though we are in the digital age, it is still nice to receive a letter from someone you care about. Get some friends to send you their address and send them a nice letter and maybe a small gift so that they can know that you are thinking about them.
6. Trivia Nights
Who doesn’t love trivia? There are plenty of virtual trivia sights that you can participate in or even get some friends to download Trivia Crack and compete with them. It is a fun way to help to time go by while learning new facts.
7. Game Nights
Game nights are also an easy thing to do virtually because there are plenty of sights to choose from. So, find a group of friends who would be down to play a series of game one night a week virtually.
8. Virtual Exercise Classes
It is important during this time to make sure that you are both staying physically and mentally healthy and exercise can help do both, so why not do it with others! You can either participate in someone’s live stream class are you and a friend or friends can all video chat and follow the same workout routine.
9. Participate in Virtual Events
Plenty of places are now switching to online events. There are a lot of lists of what places are providing interactive online content, so it is definitely something to check out. A lot of celebrities are also doing a lot of live streams so that is s good way to connect with people who like the same celebrities as you do.
10. Talk to the People in Your Household
This is the easiest way to keep a social life because you do see these people every day and can still have a fact to face conversation with them. Just remember to interact with those people too because they also are going through the same struggle as you during this time.