10 Things I Have Learned & Been Doing due to Social Distancing

What I Have Learned:

1. The Value of Facetime

Now being at home, the only physical human interaction I have on a daily basis has been with my immediate family. That being said, I have come to realize the value of using Facetime to see my friends and other family members. It is easy to use social distancing as an excuse to not interact with anyone and use it as social isolation. However, Facetime and similar services make it easy to be able to connect with others more accessible. 

 2. Power of Social Media

 Social media has always been a way to connect individuals over various distances.   Even in a time of uncertainty, it continuesto bring people together. From drawing   various vegetables on Instagram stories to sharing TikToks and memes, social media   has become another way to past time.

3. How to Cook

With the simplicity of fast-food restaurants and the option for food delivery services, learning how to cook is a skill I have yet to explore. I now have more than enough time on my hands to experiment and be able to make meals for my family and I. Pinterest has become my go-to website for finding recipes that everyone will enjoy.

 4. Calligraphy

 Classes are now online for the remainder of this academic school year. To   increase motivation to stay on task with my classes, I have begun including   calligraphy with my notes to not only have a creative outlet but also add   variety to what could be otherwise dull notes on a computer screen or   notebook paper. 

5. Embracing Living in the Moment

For many individuals, including myself, it is difficult to know when social distancing will end. There is speculation around when but there is no certain date that will be the end all be all. I have started to live my life by getting through one day at a time. The future may hold many unknowns at this point. However, I find comfort in focusing on what I do have control over. 

What I Have Been Doing:

1. Watching every Marvel movie in Order.

 The beauty of being home and social distancing is being able to take up   tasks you otherwise would not have otherwise done due to the increased   amount of free time. One of the things I have always wanted to do is watch   each of the Marvel movies in chronological order, starting with Captain   America: The First   Avenger and ending with Avengers: Endgame. So far, I   have finished the first   four movies and look forward to finally being able to   say I have seen them all. 

2. Reorganizing My Room 

After having to move out of my dorm, I have realized that I had accumulated a lot of stuff over the past two quarters. I reorganized my room soon after coming back home. What I have learned is that less is more and to only keep things that spark joy (Thanks Marie Kondo!). While I may not be able to donate much of the items I no longer use, the Salvation Army and WINGS organization will be getting some large donations after everything settles back down. 

 3. Focusing on Self-Care

 COVID-19 has brought on unprecedented times. Keeping a journal or making a   general routine for your day can help to alleviate stresses associated with the many   unknowns of the world. While it may be easy to focus on the negatives of the current   situation, there are things that can be done for yourself to assist in making each day   a little better. It can be as large as working out or something as small as texting   someone that you are thinking about them. 

4. Picking Up a New Skill or Hobby

Social distancing for many means staying home and reducing the amount of time spent in public spaces. I have used this time to learn how to edit pictures using various editing software systems. Being a DePaul student gives you access to programs like LinkedIn Learning and Adobe Photoshop. On LinkedIn Learning, you can learn more than just professional skills, but also many others that can benefit you and your resume. 

 5. Adjusting to Living Back at Home

 Moving back home has led me to spend more time with my younger siblings.   Within the next few years, I will be moving out of my parent’s home. I am   taking this time to appreciate home-cooked meals and making the simplest   of memories. While the current situation may not be ideal for many of us, it   has at least allowed me to make the very most of being surrounded by my   family.

– Audrey Pazur