10 Things to Do During Quarantine
1. Clean out your closet
Go through your clothes and shoes and gather together items you no longer wear. I typically divide this pile into ‘donation’ and ‘sell’. Selling your old clothes via Instagram, Depop, Mercari, etc. is a great way to earn some extra cash during quarantine, especially if the circumstances have put you temporarily out of work.
2. Reach out to friends and family
Have you been neglecting certain relationships in your life? Now is the ideal time to reconnect. Everyone is at home and on their phones and a simple text could spark great conversation and maybe some post-covid plans.
3. Paint your nails
Always too busy to give your nails the proper dry time? Not anymore you’re not. I for one am a barista at Starbucks and am mandated to have bare nails 365 days a year. So I have taken full advantage of my work leave and had different colored nails every week.
4. Practice new self care rituals
Utilize this extra time to invest in yourself. Whether that be your skin, your body or your peace of mind. Order a few face masks and find easy meditation methods online.
5. Bake
There’s a reason everyone’s doing it. It’s a fun and low stress way to spend your time and the product is bound to be delicious. Get the ingredients together to make yummy banana bread or some homemade bagels for you and your family.
6. Focus on your schoolwork
Prioritize your school work before your fun free time. Although online classes prove to be more difficult for some, social distancing offers more time for things like homework and studying that you might have otherwise put off to be social.
7. Rearrange your room
Now is the perfect time to refresh your space. Move your bed into a corner for more floor space, hang up some of those posters from your dorm and print out some photos of your friends.
8. Binge new movies and shows
Need to catch up with pop culture or just haven’t watched Bong Joon-ho’s Parasite? Now that you have the time, use your streaming services or borrow a friend’s to see all the movies and shows people have been talking about.
9. Workout
Online workouts are so accessible nowadays and so easy to do in the comfort of your own home. Start your days with a little yoga or an ab workout to boost your mood and energy throughout quarantine.
10. Go outside
With spring approaching, the outdoors are more enjoyable than ever. Take a walk with a family member or on your own. Fresh air can do wonders.