5 Tips to Navigating Finances During College Money is difficult to manage effectively, especially as a college student. Here are some quick, easy ways to save money effectively while at college. 1. Put money aside every month. Even a small amount will help establish...
Conquering the Winter Blues While the lonely, gloomy days of winter have been extended due to the pandemic, these are 10 ways that can help conquer the winter blues: 1. Video games This has been my go-to since I can immerse myself in a world that isn’t the one we are...
Virtual Classes: Tips and Tricks Classes have always been tough on students, but this year is a little different. Here are a few tips to help out: 1. Prioritize – with hours at home and nowhere to go, you’re going to feel like you have a lot of time on your...
10 Ways to Stay Motivated Throughout the struggles of this pandemic everyone has been affected in so many different ways. Students especially have had to shift into online schooling which has been difficult for many students. I have definitely had trouble finding...
8 Career Oriented Resources DePaul Career Center The DePaul Career Center is the one stop shop for almost any resource you need for getting a job. Even if you are on the job search alone, you can drop by the Career Center and they will critique your resume and...