My Summer Break
Hi everyone!
I hope you all had an amazing summer! I know it flew by for me, but I am so excited to be starting school again on September 11th.
This summer I was busy working many jobs. I worked as an intern at a school and did social media and marketing for them. I also worked at DePaul Housing Services and as a campus manager for University Tees. At my housing services job I helped plan SWAP, which is a sale DePaul hosts at the end of the school year. When students who live on campus start moving out, there are donation tables placed in the lobbies of on campus apartments and residence halls.
These donation tables ask for mini fridges, clothing, kitchen supplies, furniture, and more. We collected these items and sold them for a very discounted price at the SWAP sale and every cent of the money we made went to a fund for DePaul students and staff in need! For my job as a campus manager for University Tees, I simply reach out to campus organizations at DePaul and ask if they would like to order shirts. I help these campus orgs create designs, pick which style of apparel they would like, and also help them create designs for promo products such as fanny packs, stickers, water bottles, and more!
I was also lucky enough to do quite a lot of traveling over the summer! I got to go back to my home, Minnesota, twice this summer. The first time was to go to my sister’s high school graduation party and the second time was for the Fourth of July. Although my extended family lives all over the United States such as Texas, Arizona, and Tennessee, we all try our hardest to make it up to my aunt’s cabin in northern Minnesota every Fourth of July. In addition to Minnesota, I went to Cleveland, Ohio for the first time for the University Tees Summer Sales Conference!
At the conference I got to meet everyone on my sales team and learned some great sales techniques and tips that I am excited to put into use this year. Lastly, I went to Barcelona, Spain with one of my best friends for less than $300 round trip! If you all have not checked out SkyScanner, I definitely recommend it. It is a website that shows a map of the world and all of the super cheap flight deals happening right now, and I promise you, there are always some major steals! In Barcelona I got to see such wonderful architecture from Gaudi himself, eat some amazing tapas, and lay on the beach by the beautiful Mediteranean Sea.
I hope each and every one of you had an amazing summer as well! Mine was crazy busy but it created many wonderful memories for me. What was something exciting you did this summer? 🙂
– Sydney Snell