Making the Most of DePaul Discounts
Whether you are eating out, shopping online, or getting a coffee, there are always student discounts to look out for. Most of my personal favorite discounts/deals are online so I’ll start with those first. For students who frequently use Amazon, you are in luck. Amazon prime monthly memberships are half off for students, making a monthly prime membership only $6.49. Since prime also includes prime music and prime video, that is a very good deal. If music and movies is what you are after though, there is an even better student discount. Spotify offers their service at half the monthly cost as well ($4.99) and throws in a Hulu subscription with ads and Showtime. This is by far my most used discount since I use Hulu and Spotify so frequently. Outside of shopping and entertainment, there are also tons of software that offer cheap or free copies to students. As a computer science major and animation minor, these have been very useful. Adobe offers the creative cloud, which includes Photoshop, After Effects, Lightroom, and much more at $19.99/month for students, less than half the original price of $52.99/month. While not as useful for all majors, Autodesk offers their products completely free of charge for all students. This includes free copies of 3DS Max, Maya, and Inventor for students.
There are also plenty of student discounts in brick and mortar establishments. Most restaurants in Lincoln Park who sport a DePaul flag will offer some kind of student discount. At many places like, Devil Dawgs (one of my personal favorites), the discount will be around 10% off your order. Even if you don’t see a sign that specifically offers a student discount, many places still have options available. It is defiantly worth asking about when you check out, if they say no, there isn’t any harm is asking. Even outside Lincoln Park, you might be surprised at what discounts you can find. I remember going to a BBQ place in the loop once last year and asked for a student discount, despite being equally close to about 10 different colleges, I was told they only offer student discounts to DePaul students. Every place will have different discounts so again, there is no harm is asking.
Chicago museums and attractions also offer great prices for students. I have gotten into the Field Museum and the Sears Tower with a student discount, and the Art Institute of Chicago is completely free of charge for students. These are some of my favorite little bonus discounts because it makes exploring Chicago much more financially feasible for DePaul students. For students like me who have come to Chicago from out of state, exploring the City is a must and running into deals while doing it is always very nice.
There are student discounts almost anywhere you go. Business owners want to support college students and we should support those businesses who do, especially those that add to the vibrant Lincoln Park community.