Congratulations C’aira and ACA Conference Opportunity

Our very own C’aira Tovar-Murray, 3rd year counseling student and executive board member of the Delta Phi Upsilon Chapter of Chi Sigma Iota, will be presenting at ACA’s two-day Virtual Emerging Professionals Conference this October! Her session Insights From an Intern: How To Have A Successful Internship Experience will give counseling students and interns a chance to learn about the site application process and how to prepare well for their internship. Congratulations, C’aira!

More information about the virtual conference:

Designed with counseling students, interns, and recent graduates in mind, ACA’s Emerging Professionals Conferenceis a two-day, virtual event focused on supporting and nurturing the future leaders of the counseling profession. Registration will open soon!

When: Oct. 31st-Nov. 1st. 

Cost: $10 for students who are ACA members, $20 for students who are non-ACA members

2024 Coming Together for Action Symposium focusing on Mental Wellness on September 26th – 28th

The symposium will be hosted by the Global Alliance for Behavioral Health and Social Justice which collaborates with individuals with lived expertise, researchers and practitioners from across disciplines to promote mental wellness for people in all settings. This will be an opportunity to explore creative approaches to fostering wellness in community settings, network with researchers, practitioners, and advocates, and learn about the latest developments in research, practice and policy.

What: Coming Together For Action Toward Mental Wellness

When: September 26-28, 2024

Where: University of Illinois Chicago

Register Here

If you have any questions, please reach out to Silicia Lomax.

Save the Date! Oct 19th 2nd Year Professional Practice Orientation for CMHC

Hello Second Year CMHC Counseling Students,

There will be a mandatory, in-person 2nd Year Professional Practice Orientation on Saturday, October 19th from 10:00 am – 12:30 pm. This is mandatory for all CMHC students completing Practicum and Internship in 2025 – 2026. This meeting will take place in person on Lincoln Park Campus (location TBD). We will be discussing all things related to Practicum and Internship that you will encounter during your Professional Practice in 2025 – 2026. Continue to look for additional future communications on CSL News, the OASIS Newsletter, and via email. Please plan accordingly.

Please reach out to Jay Lesenko if you will not be completing Practicum and Internship in 2025 – 2026 so they can update their records, and reach out to Jay Lesenko or Dr. Hamm if you have any questions.

Save the Date! Oct 26th 2nd Year Professional Practice Orientation for School Counseling

Hello Second Year School Counseling Students,

There will be a mandatory, in-person 2nd Year Professional Practice Orientation on Saturday, October 26th from 10:00 am – 12:30 pm. This is mandatory for all school counseling students completing Practicum in Spring of 2025. This meeting will take place in person on Lincoln Park Campus (location TBD). We will be discussing all things related to Practicum and Internship that you will encounter during your Professional Practice experience. Continue to look for additional future communications on CSL News, the OASIS Newsletter, and via email. Please plan accordingly.

Please reach out to Jay Lesenko if you will not be completing Practicum in Spring 2025 so they can update their records, and reach out to Jay Lesenko or Dr. Hamm if you have any questions.

Apply Now for the 2025-2026 AHC Emerging Leaders Program

The AHC Emerging Leaders program was developed to allow student and new professional leaders to participate in AHC activities, receive mentorship, and connect with professional networking opportunities.

Emerging Leaders will be selected to serve for the 2025-26 term (July 2025 to June 2026). Master’s level students, doctoral level students, and new professionals (having graduated in the past year) will be selected as AHC emerging leaders. Recipients must be an AHC member at the time of award and fall into the master’s, doctoral, or new professional categories. Emerging Leaders choose an area of interest within the division and receive mentoring related to that area. Emerging Leaders will provide a minimum of 50 hours of service to an AHC committee, project, or task. Emerging Leaders will also have opportunities to learn the responsibilities associated with serving in elected leadership positions within our association. They will also receive FREE conference registration for the 2025 AHC conference.

Emerging Leaders will receive a free conference registration for the 2025 AHC Conference in Tampa, Florida that will include a leadership training and recognition at the AHC Awards Ceremony.

Interested applicants should submit:

  1. A completed Emerging Leaders application
  2. CV/Resume
  3. Two letters of reference describing your leadership skills and experiences, and your value of humanistic practices (letters cannot come from members of the AHC selection committee)  to no later than November 1, 2024. The selection committee will notify applicants of the status of their application by November 22, 2024.

We particularly encourage applications from individuals who are eager to develop leadership skills and are deeply committed to AHC’s vision of inclusivity, community, and social justice. The review committee is especially interested in candidates who identify with historically marginalized groups and will give strong consideration to applications that reflect a range of diverse experiences. Selection criteria include:

  • Demonstrated affiliation with and commitment to the counseling profession
  • A record of active participation in professional counseling organizations and conferences
  • Dedication to inclusivity, diversity, and social justice
  • A clear vision for their leadership goals including how the EL experience will help achieve that vision

Applications can be found here: AHC Emerging Leaders Program 2025-2026

If you have any questions, please contact the Emerging Leaders Committee chairs: Dr. Amanda M. Evans and Dr. Bogusia Skudrzyk at


The Fall Student Teaching & Internships Scholarship is open Wednesday, September 4th, through Sunday, September 22nd! This award is offered to College of Education students who are currently (Fall Quarter 2024) participating in their capstone clinical experience – student teaching, counseling internship, or another field-based capstone. Counseling interns may only receive this scholarship for one academic quarter of their internship. The maximum award amount is $3,000. The application will be open Wednesday, September 4th, on Scholarship Connect.

Group Therapy Research Request – 2nd Call

All students over the age of 18 enrolled in a CACREP programs are invited to participate in this study. The aim of this study is to understand group leader’s facilitative interpersonal skills in group therapy. This study is IRB approved.


This study is being conducted by researchers in the Counseling Psychology program at the University of Iowa. The study involves completing a demographics questionnaire, an audio response task, and questions related to group facilitation. Completion of the survey should take approximately 30-45 minutes. Your training programs will not see the answers you provide to the research team. Deciding not to be in this study will not in any way affect your academic standing.


You will not be paid for being in this research study. Nonetheless, at the conclusion of this study, you will be given the option to submit your contact details through an additional survey link should you wish to enter a raffle to win one of five $100 Amazon gift cards in addition to a $10 Amazon gift card for a completion as a token of appreciation for your full participation. You may also choose to participate in the study and not provide your information. If you provide your email, it will be logged separately from the main study survey before an electronic gift card being emailed to you. Following the distribution of gift cards, your contact information will be permanently deleted as soon as possible.


If you participated in this study previously, we ask that you please do not complete the survey again.


If you are interested in participation, please follow the link below:



BGF Children’s Therapy

BGF Children’s Therapy

We provide in-home and center-based behavior therapy for children diagnosed with Autism. I am reaching out because we are searching for individuals to work one on one with the children we serve during this summer and into Fall 2024. Ideal candidates are working on their Bachelor’s or Master’s in a related field and have some experience with children. We train our staff in behavior analytic principles and the skills necessary to work with children diagnosed with Autism. We have hired students from DePaul in the past and have been very happy with their work and dedication. Hourly rates range from $20-$25, depending on experience.


Students can email ( or call (312-806-7937) for more information.

Action Alert!

On July 16th, 2022, the National Suicide Prevention Line transitioned to the 988 Lifeline. This new suicide and crisis lifeline uses a network of 200+ local crisis centers to connect people with anonymous and judgement free support. Individuals can now call, text, or chat with the easy-to-remember number and be connected to a trained crisis counselor.

We are already seeing the 988 Lifeline making a significant impact. In just over two years, the lifeline has helped 10+ million people. However, we still need to increase awareness of and support for the 988 Lifeline. More than 30% of Americans still don’t know about 988.

Let’s tell our representatives that we support this lifesaving resource. Please write to your US representatives expressing your support for increased and sustainable funding for 988 and urge them to help spread awareness of 988 through their platform; supporting public awareness campaigns around 988; and increasing signage of 988 in key touchpoint locations.