Save the Date! Oct 19th 2nd Year In-Person Professional Practice Orientation for CMHC

We have confirmed the room for the Professional Practice Orientation- please see below:

There will be a mandatory, in-person 2nd Year Professional Practice Orientation on Saturday, October 19th from 10:00 am – 12:30 pm. This is mandatory for all CMHC students completing Practicum and Internship in 2025-2026. We will be discussing all things related to Practicum and Internship that you will encounter during your Professional Practice in 2025 – 2026. Continue to look for additional future communications on CSL News, the OASIS Newsletter, and via email. Please plan accordingly.

Please contact Jay Lesenko if you will not be completing Practicum and Internship in 2025 – 2026 so they can remove you from this email list and please reach out to them or Dr. Hamm if you have any questions.

Saturday October 19th

10:00am – 12:30pm

SAC Rm #161

Schmitt Academic Center (SAC)

2320 N Kenmore Ave

Chicago, IL 60614

ICA/IMHCA Night of Networking

ICA/IMHCA Night of Networking

Friday, September 27, at 6:30pm-7:30pm

205 N 2nd Street, Dekalb, IL 60115

Please note that there are limited spots left, so if you’re interested don’t forget to register ASAP!

 All mental health professionals, members and non-members alike, are invited to our ICA/IMHCA office networking event on Friday, September 27th! This is an excellent opportunity to learn more about what your professional organizations have to offer, network with professionals, and enjoy activities and hors d’oeuvres! Please RSVP to by Friday, September 13th. Questions? You can contact us via email or phone at (815) 787 8787.


| Illinois Mental Health Counselors Association | P.O. Box 706, DeKalb, IL 60115 |

| | E: | P: 815-787-0515 |

Invitation to participate in a study – Understanding group leader’s facilitative interpersonal skills in group therapy

Dear student,

All students over the age of 18 enrolled in a CACREP programs are invited to participate in this study. The aim of this study is to understand group leader’s facilitative interpersonal skills in group therapy. This study is IRB approved (ID: 202110338).

This study is being conducted by researchers in the Counseling Psychology program at the University of Iowa. The study involves completing a demographics questionnaire, an audio response task, and questions related to group facilitation. Completion of the survey should take approximately 30-45 minutes. Your training programs will not see the answers you provide to the research team. Deciding not to be in this study will not in any way affect your academic standing.

You will not be paid for being in this research study. Nonetheless, at the conclusion of this study, you will be given the option to submit your contact details through an additional survey link should you wish to enter a raffle to win one of five $100 Amazon gift cards in addition to a $10 Amazon gift card for a completion as a token of appreciation for your full participation. You may also choose to participate in the study and not provide your information. If you provide your email, it will be logged separately from the main study survey before an electronic gift card being emailed to you. Following the distribution of gift cards, your contact information will be permanently deleted as soon as possible.

If you participated in this study previously, we ask that you please do not complete the survey again.

If you are interested in participation, please follow the link here.


Thank you,


Kun Wang, M.S.

Principal Investigator

Doctoral Student, Counseling Psychology

Psychological and Quantitative Foundations

University of Iowa


Martin Kivlighan, Ph.D.

Research Advisor

Professor, Counseling Psychology

Psychological and Quantitative Foundations

University of Iowa

N334 Lindquist Center

Iowa City, IA 52240

Call for volunteers – NCACES

Dear Graduate Students/Colleagues,

I hope this email finds you well! We are excited to announce an opportunity for graduate students to volunteer at the upcoming North Central Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (NCACES) Conference, which will take place from October 17-19, 2024 in Rosemont, Illinois.

This is a fantastic chance to get involved, network with professionals in the field, and gain valuable information that can be applied to the counseling profession and Counselor Education. As a volunteer, you will play a crucial role in ensuring the success of the event. Responsibilities may include:

  • Assisting with registration and check-in
  • Providing directions and information to attendees
  • Supporting session facilitators and presenters
  • Helping with set-up and breakdown of conference materials
  • Other tasks as needed to support the smooth operation of the conference

In exchange for your time (about 6 hours) and effort, volunteers will receive $100 reimbursement. Plus, this is a great way to meet and connect with leaders in the counseling field, all while contributing to a key professional event.

If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out the Google Form. We will follow up with more details and a volunteer schedule as the event approaches.

Thank you in advance for your willingness to contribute. Your support is invaluable, and we look forward to working with you to make this conference a success!

Best regards,

NCACES conference committee

ISCA Call for Conference Ambassadors

Hi Illinois School Counseling Faculty,

Hope your fall is off to a great start!

It’s that time of year when the ISCA conference team is looking to recruit school counseling graduate students to help at the conference on November 14-15, 2024. If they serve as ambassadors, they will have a reduced conference registration fee of $50.

Please share this info with your students – they can apply to be an ambassador using this link, by October 4 (or earlier if we get an abundance of early responses!).

If you or they have any questions, please email Chelsea and I (ISCA conference co-coordinators) at



Beth & Chelsea

Beth H. Gilfillan, PhD (she/her/hers)

Associate Professor

Department of Counselor Education
Northeastern Illinois University
5500 North St. Louis Avenue, Chicago, IL 60625

Office: LWH 4052

Students, click here to schedule a meeting with me.

Request for Research Participation – A Study on Development and Validation of the Multicultural Supervisory Rupture Scale


My name is Dasol Hwang, and I am a doctoral candidate in Counselor Education at the Pennsylvania State University. I am writing to recruit research participants for my dissertation on The Development and Validation of the Multicultural Supervisory Rupture Scale: Using an Exploratory Sequential Mixed Method. I am seeking interviewees who have experienced multicultural supervisory rupture for the qualitative study as part of the overall research.

Multicultural Supervisory Rupture (MSR) in this study includes relational conflict, strain, or break caused by cultural incidents mainly occurring from your supervisor’s cultural insensitivity or unresponsiveness in your supervisory relationship.


To be eligible to participate in this study, you must:

  1. be 18 years old or older; and
  2. be enrolled in a graduate-level CACREP-accredited program in the United States and
  3. have completed at least one semester practicum with a supervisor that you experienced MSR in your current CACREP-accredited program, and
  4. experienced or have experienced multicultural supervisory rupture in your present CACREP-accredited program within 12 months.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary, and you can withdraw at any time without penalty.


If you agree to participate, signing up for the interview will take approximately 10 minutes here. The researcher will contact you to schedule the interview and confirm the information provided within one week. A Zoom link will be sent to you via email. The interview will take up to 60 minutes. You will be invited to the member-checking process reviewing the overall qualitative data and the following quantitative study. You have a full right to participate or decline the additional involvement.


Your participation in this study and any identifiable personal information you provide will be kept confidential to every extent possible, and all data will be destroyed within six years of the completion of the study. All written and electronic forms of data and study materials will be securely maintained.

Risks and Benefits

The interview process might elicit distressed emotional reactions related to the rupture. There are no expected risks to you in addition to that as a result of participating in this study.

Participating in this study will benefit you with $20 Amazon gift card for the appreciation of your research participation. Moreover, your participation is valued as it will be the essence of developing the Multicultural Supervisory Rupture Scale, which is expected to assist supervisees and supervisors in detecting and identifying rupture and potentially support the establishment of the repairment intervention.

Additional Information and/or Concerns

The Internal Review Board (IRB) of the Pennsylvania State University has approved this protocol (STUDY00025442).
For questions, concerns, or complaints about the study you may contact the principal investigator, Dasol Hwang at You may also contact my adviser and chair of the dissertation committee, Dr. Carlos p. Zalaquett at
For questions about your rights as a participant in this study or to discuss other study-related concerns or complaints with someone who is not part of the research team, you may contact the Human Research Protection Program at the Pennsylvania State University (Email: or Phone: 814-865-1775).

Survey Link

If you are interested in participating, please click on the link.


Please feel free to share this study opportunity with others. I appreciate your time and consideration.

Best regards,
Dasol Hwang

College of Education Scholarships open TODAY!

The DePaul College of Education scholarships are open TODAY 9/16 through 10/13! Log in to Scholarship Connect to apply. The scholarships open once per academic year, every Fall Quarter.


For questions about the scholarships, please reach out to Maya Muschitz at If you are having technical difficulties within Scholarship Connect, please contact the Financial Aid Office through OneDePaul.


Apply today!

Invitation Email to the Study

Study Title: Powering On: First Experiences Navigating Technology Adoption during Practicum

 Greetings to the Future Shapers of Mental Health and School Counseling!

How has mental health technologies shaped your practicum fieldwork experience?  Your journey through practicum is a unique narrative, and we are eager to hear your story!

Through our qualitative phenomenological research study, we seek to learn more about your experiences with receiving training on and utilizing mental health technology during practicum.  For this study, we hope to hear from master’s level counseling students in CACREP-accredited programs who are currently in practicum –or– who recently completed the practicum fieldwork experience within one month of receiving this letter.

Your insights as master’s level counseling students in CACREP programs are invaluable, and your expertise could significantly contribute to our insights. While we recognize the time commitment for an interview (approximately an hour), we believe the shared knowledge and experience will resonate with your professional path and our collective growth. As a bonus, participants in this study will choose between a funded telebehavioral training opportunity for personal development, competence building, and clinical enrichment -or- a $20 Amazon gift card as compensation for their time!

If you are ready to add your voice to this study, please continue by clicking on the following link (or copying and pasting the link into your web browser):

The Institutional Review Board at Old Dominion University has approved this study (IRB Protocol #2189202-1). General questions about this research study may be directed to the faculty supervisor, Dr. Brittany G. Suggs, at  If you have any questions about your rights as a participant, feel welcome to contact Dr. John Baaki, the Chair of the Darden College of Education and Professional Studies (DCEPS) Human Subjects Review Committee at Old Dominion University, at or 757-683-5491. 

Your consideration is a beacon of progress, and we thank you wholeheartedly!


Jill Kivikoski, M.S.Ed.

Doctoral Student | Old Dominion University


Ajayla Evins, M.S., CRC, NCC

Doctoral Student | Old Dominion University


Hank Crofford, M.A., LMHC(IN), LPC(VA), NCC, CCTP, CGP

Doctoral Student | Old Dominion University


Brittany G. Suggs, Ph.D., MPH, LPC (VA)

Faculty Member | Old Dominion University



Jill Kivikoski, M.S.Ed.

Ph.D. Student & Graduate Assistant 

Department of Counseling & Human Services, Old Dominion University

2024-2025 Leadership Fellow, Chi Sigma Iota, Omega Delta Chapter


You are invited to the DePaul College of Education’s Fall 2024 forum!


Teaching opportunities and challenges as the 2024 election approaches!

Monday, September 30th,  5:30 to 7 pm (CST)  Livestreamed to YouTube.

Registration required. Registration link below.

 The 2024 election will soon be here, and our fall forum will explore how students are thinking and feeling about the contentious lead-up to the 2024 election and what educators can do in the classroom to respond to students concerns and the need for accurate information.

A panel of educators from very different communities will discuss how they are approaching discussions about the election with their students.  The panel includes Pakaj Sharma, a Social Studies and Civics teacher at Niles North High School, a diverse multi-cultural community; Shonda Ronen, the Principal at Wolf Ridge Education Center (a K-8 school) in Bunker Hill, a small rural community in downstate Illinois, and Hector Sanchez, Social Studies and bilingual teacher at Greater Lawndale High School for Social Justice, Chicago. Our opening speaker who will set the stage for the panel is Dr. Leah Bueso, Assistant Professor of Urban Education at the University of Illinois Springfield and a researcher with the Civic Engagement Research Group.

The panel will consider questions such as:  What is the responsibility of educators to engage students in discussions about the election and how do you begin?  How can you center students’ lived experience and engage in civil, reflective classroom talk and deal with the tough challenge of talking about divisive and polarized issues?  What information do your students need to know in order to understand the complexities of the election? What kind of support and resources do educators need to do this work successfully? And after November 5, helping students process the results of the election.  The forum is relevant for all grades (K-8 and high school) and all subjects.


Once you register, you will be sent a link to access the forum by September 25th.  Please share this notice and the attached flyer with your colleagues.

For more information, contact Dr. Diane Horwitz at

Educating for Democracy – Check out the event flyer here