The Fall Student Teaching & Internships Scholarship is open Wednesday, September 4th, through Sunday, September 22nd! This award is offered to College of Education students who are currently (Fall Quarter 2024) participating in their capstone clinical experience – student teaching, counseling internship, or another field-based capstone. Counseling interns may only receive this scholarship for one academic quarter of their internship. The maximum award amount is $3,000. The application will be open Wednesday, September 4th, on Scholarship Connect.
Group Therapy Research Request – 2nd Call
All students over the age of 18 enrolled in a CACREP programs are invited to participate in this study. The aim of this study is to understand group leader’s facilitative interpersonal skills in group therapy. This study is IRB approved.
This study is being conducted by researchers in the Counseling Psychology program at the University of Iowa. The study involves completing a demographics questionnaire, an audio response task, and questions related to group facilitation. Completion of the survey should take approximately 30-45 minutes. Your training programs will not see the answers you provide to the research team. Deciding not to be in this study will not in any way affect your academic standing.
You will not be paid for being in this research study. Nonetheless, at the conclusion of this study, you will be given the option to submit your contact details through an additional survey link should you wish to enter a raffle to win one of five $100 Amazon gift cards in addition to a $10 Amazon gift card for a completion as a token of appreciation for your full participation. You may also choose to participate in the study and not provide your information. If you provide your email, it will be logged separately from the main study survey before an electronic gift card being emailed to you. Following the distribution of gift cards, your contact information will be permanently deleted as soon as possible.
If you participated in this study previously, we ask that you please do not complete the survey again.
If you are interested in participation, please follow the link below:
BGF Children’s Therapy
BGF Children’s Therapy
We provide in-home and center-based behavior therapy for children diagnosed with Autism. I am reaching out because we are searching for individuals to work one on one with the children we serve during this summer and into Fall 2024. Ideal candidates are working on their Bachelor’s or Master’s in a related field and have some experience with children. We train our staff in behavior analytic principles and the skills necessary to work with children diagnosed with Autism. We have hired students from DePaul in the past and have been very happy with their work and dedication. Hourly rates range from $20-$25, depending on experience.
Students can email ( or call (312-806-7937) for more information.
Action Alert!
Chicago Park District – Now Hiring!
The Chicago Park District is seeking year-round part-time Inclusion Aides. We have in the past shared with you our seasonal opportunities and we were so grateful for the assistance you provided sharing with your students and networks. Attached is a flyer with job information and below is a link to the posting on the Chicago Park District website.
The position has a fileable schedule and is a great opportunity for those interested in Special Education, Therapeutic Recreation, or any section of the medical field. As well as anyone seeking casual employment at the Chicago Park District.
Race and Equity Credential: Three Day Training
Check out this opportunity!
McCormick Internship
Each year, through a generous endowment from the McCormick Foundation, the Steans Center is able to offer paid internships that help to advance the student’s knowledge and skills through an asset-based approach that benefits the organization.
Interns can come from all disciplines and departments at DePaul and the Steans Center can assist students in finding a suitable placement or to help them to adapt existing ones. We have roughly 10 slots available each quarter and fall applications are due on August 26!
Volunteer and Part-Time Opportunities – Minds Matter Chicago
- Currently looking for 2 program directors
- Job description: Grade-Level Program Director 2024-2025