January FAFSA YouTube Live Events for Parents of High School Students

We invite you to share this information with colleagues in your network.

  • FAFSA YouTube Live Events for Parents  The Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC) will be hosting these live events for parents in English (January 22nd) and Spanish (January 23rd) to review completing the FAFSA® and next steps. Here is the link to the YouTube channel where the event details and link to join can be found: https://www.youtube.com/@ISACvid/streams.

Feel free to share the graphics and details below among your networks.

Filling out the FAFSA and Next Steps

Are you a parent of a high school student preparing for college? Join us for a YouTube Live session with ISAC’s Parent Outreach Coordinator! We’ll provide an overview of the Federal Student Aid (FSA) ID, guide you through the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) process, and discuss the next steps after submission. You’ll also have the chance to ask questions and get real-time answers to help you support your student. Don’t miss this valuable opportunity to learn how to navigate the financial aid process with confidence.


Completar la FAFSA y pasos a seguir

¿Es usted padre o madre de estudiante de preparatoria que se está preparando para la universidad? ¡Acompáñenos a una sesión de YouTube en vivo con la coordinadora de enlace familiar de ISAC! Estaremos brindando información general sobre la identificación de Ayuda Federal para Estudiantes conocida como FSA ID, lo guiaremos en el proceso de la Solicitud Gratuita de Ayuda Federal para Estudiantes (FAFSA) y hablaremos sobre los siguientes pasos después de enviar la solicitud. También tendrán la oportunidad de hacer preguntas y obtener respuestas al instante. No pierda esta valiosa oportunidad de aprender cómo navegar el proceso de ayuda financiera.

Helping Illinois reach its Goal 2025: to increase the proportion
of adults in Illinois with high-quality college degrees and
postsecondary credentials to 60% by the year 2025


Study Abroad Summer Program: Multicultural Counseling and Social Justice in Ireland

Counseling Students and Alumni, 

Join us in Ireland this summer for a Study Abroad trip. Earn credit for CSL 510 (Multicultural Counseling) or CSL 482 (Special Topics in Counseling). Alumni are also welcome to join us to earn CEUs. 

We will be having an info session on Wednesday, January 22 at 12:30 via zoom – https://depaul.zoom.us/j/2346113296

Please contact Dr. Rebecca Michel at rebecca.michel@depaul.edu with any questions. 

Check out the flyer for more information!

COE Student Teaching & Internships Scholarship Application Opens

The College of Education Winter Quarter 2025 Student Teaching & Internships Scholarship will be opened today, Wednesday, January 8. The opportunity will be open from 1/8-1/26. This application is identical to the one from this past fall quarter, as well as the 2023-2024 academic year’s opportunities.

Any students who are currently doing their student teaching or required internship/field experience DURING Winter Quarter 2025 are eligible for this scholarship. Student teachers, counseling interns, and ed leadership interns are welcome to apply for this opportunity. Counseling interns are only eligible to be awarded during one quarter of their year-long internship – they will not be awarded more than once even if they apply more than once. As a reminder, AUSL students are NOT eligible for this opportunity due to the tuition discount they receive through the program.

Awards range on a scale of $350-$3,000 depending on each individual student’s financial need as determined by financial aid and their FAFSA.

Please see attached a flyer with the information about the scholarship. Here is the link to the application and the description: https://depaul.academicworks.com/opportunities/51453

This award is offered to College of Education students who are currently participating in their capstone clinical experience – student teaching, counseling internship, or another field-based capstone. Counseling interns may only receive this scholarship for one academic quarter of their internship. The maximum award amount is $3,000 and the minimum award is $350. Students will be awarded within that range. To be considered, you must submit your application by Sunday, January 26, 2025 11:59 PM.

CMHC Internship Opportunity – Kenneth Young Center

Kenneth Young Center (KYC) is currently accepting applications for their Master’s Level internship. They will be hosting their first round of interviews next Friday (January 17th) for their child and adolescent outpatient and SASS teams. They will be hosting a second round of interviews in February. In order to apply, students can go to http://www.kennethyoung.org -> Careers->Internship Information and find the link for our internship job posting/application. KYC asks that students complete the application and submit their resume and cover letter. Students can reach out to internshipprogram@kennethyoung.org if they encounter any technical difficulties. KYC will respond to students via email or phone regarding their acceptance for an interview, but we will not do so until early/mid-January.

Please feel free to contact the Internship Coordinators, Kristen Himsel (she/her), LCSW, CADC or Laura Angel (she/her), LCPC, at internshipprogram@kennethyoung.org if you have any questions or concerns.

Kenneth Young Center offers several different clinical opportunities for training (Child and Adolescent Outpatient, Adult Outpatient, SASS, Mobile Crisis Response, Living Room, Intensive Recovery Group, Community Support Therapy, and Transition Teams) and internships run from August to May. Each requires a minimum of twenty hours per week.

Schweitzer Fellowship – Application Deadline February 1, 2025

Dear DePaul University, Counseling and Special Education Students,

The Schweitzer Fellowship is currently seeking graduate students in health, social service, and public interest professions to apply for 2025-2026 Schweitzer Fellowships. The deadline to apply is February 1st, just over 3 short weeks away!

Join the 2025-2026 cohort of outstanding interdisciplinary Fellows and a network of over 4,000 Fellows nationwide! Apply by Feb 1, 2025. More details and application information are available at this link.

There are upcoming zoom information sessions on the following dates:

  • Tuesday, Jan. 7, 2025, 5 p.m.  Register
  • Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2025, 1 p.m.  Register
  • Thursday, Jan. 9, 2025, 12 p.m. Register
  • Tuesday, Jan. 14, 2025, 4 p.m.  Register
  • Wednesday, Jan. 15, 2025, 4 p.m.  Register
  • Friday, Jan. 17, 2025, 12 p.m.  Register
  • Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2025, 5 p.m. Register

The Schweitzer Fellowship is a prestigious year-long service-learning program for graduate students in health-related professions who design and implement innovative direct-service projects aimed at improving the health and well-being of underserved Chicago area communitiesAnnually, 28 graduate students are selected from diverse fields to become Fellows who will design and implement year-long direct service projects. In addition to their service projects, other elements of the Program are designed to inspire and inform the Fellows, and to reinforce their commitment to humanitarian service. These include supportive mentors, training and public health curriculum, monthly meetings, and service days. Fellows receive a $2,750 stipend for their participation.

It’s your time to follow your passions and make change!


Karol Dean (she/her)

Schweitzer Fellows Program Director

hear my name


29 E. Madison, Suite 602, Chicago, IL 60602

T: (312) 372-4292 x31

Health & Medicine

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CMHC Internship Opportunity- Mirjam Quinn & Associates

Mirjam Quinn & Associates will soon be accepting internship applications for the 25-26 year. They are looking for 1-2 master’s level students. They request that all students follow ACEPT timeline and procedures (below) which includes providing a resume, cover letter, unofficial transcripts, and two letters of recommendation. The timeline is as follows:

Students may begin submitting practicum applications: Friday, January 24th

Students must have applications to sites by: Friday, January 31st

Date sites inform applicants if they will be interviewed: Friday, February 21st

Pre-Notification Day: Friday, March 14th

Notification Day: Monday, March 17th

More information can be found on the training page on their website is here: MQA Training Department

Any questions can be directed to Melissa Littlefield at mhaberstroh@mqatherapy.com.

Internship Opportunity- DePaul Family and Community Services

DePaul Family and Community Services is currently accepting applications for the 25-26 year. Interested students should complete their application via link: DePaul FCS Externship Application

Questions can be directed toward the Clinical Training Coordinator: Dr. Victoria Doobay at vdoobay@depaul.eduor 773-325-4659.

More information: 2025-2026 Clinical Mental Health Master’s in Counseling Internship with DePaul Family and Community Services

2025 Annual Evidence-Based School Counseling Conference

The 2025 Evidence-Based School Counseling Conference provides school counselors and education stakeholders with professional development in effective cutting-edge school counseling program components and interventions that can create dynamic and powerful school counseling programs.
Register Here: http://www.ebscc.org/

Research Day: MARCH 13, 2025

Conference Day: MARCH 14-15, 2025

Location: Ohio State University, Columbus, OH

EBSCC 2025 Flyer


CMHC Internship Opportunity – Kenneth Young Center

Kenneth Young Center (KYC) will begin accepting applications for their Master’s Level internship starting December 16th. They will be hosting their first round of interviews on January 17th and will be hosting a second round of interviews in February. In order to apply, students can go to www.kennethyoung.org -> Careers->Internship Information and find the link for our internship job posting/application. KYC asks that students complete the application and submit their resume and cover letter. Students can reach out to internshipprogram@kennethyoung.org if they encounter any technical difficulties. KYC will respond to students via email or phone regarding their acceptance for an interview, but we will not do so until early/mid January.

Please feel free to contact the Internship Coordinators, Kristen Himsel (she/her), LCSW, CADC or Laura Angel (she/her), LCPC, at internshipprogram@kennethyoung.org if you have any questions or concerns.

Kenneth Young Center offers several different clinical opportunities for training (Child and Adolescent Outpatient, Adult Outpatient, SASS, Mobile Crisis Response, Living Room, Intensive Recovery Group, Community Support Therapy, and Transition Teams ) and internships run from August to May. Each requires a minimum of twenty hours per week.