Faculty Interview Today

Hello CSL Students,

DePaul will be hiring two non-tenure track counseling faculty members next year. We will be inviting candidates to campus over the next couple months. As graduate counseling students, you have the opportunity to virtually meet each candidate in a small group setting and are invited to attend their virtual teaching presentations. This is a very important decision and we welcome and value your input.

We have included information below for the today’s interview below. You are welcome to join us via zoom. 

Date: Friday, March 12

Candidate: Taneshia Greenidge

Teaching Presentation Topic: “Counseling Skills, on incorporating game play in sessions with clients as a way to build rapport but also treat counseling concerns” from 2:45-3:45pm via zoom: https://depaul.zoom.us/j/93945976066

Teaching Evaluation Form: https://forms.gle/2JAEGTyx7rH9TzvF7

Student meeting from 3:45-4:15pm via zoom: https://depaul.zoom.us/j/97613183338

Student Meeting Evaluation Form: https://forms.gle/EnEc6sjoVLBVwSEBA