Opportunity to Participate in Research Study – School Counseling Students

Please see below, and this flyer, for an opportunity to participate in a research study being conducted by a PhD student at Purdue University.

We are looking for participants for our research study. This study aims to find what pre-service counselors’ perceptions are about gifted students, what they know about the policies in their country, and what their perception about acceleration and differentiation. The ultimate goal of this study is to provide suggestions and information about pre-service school counselors’ perception. Having their perspectives gives insight about what can be done for their training. Also, this study may provide recommendations for departments heads to add classes about gifted education in their programs.

You must be 18 years old or above to be able to participate in this study. Participation is completely voluntary. If you take part in this study, you will be asked to take an online survey. The survey will take 15 to 20 minutes, depending on the length of your answers. At the end of the survey, you will be asked if you want to enter into drawing for a $20 dollars e-gift card. You also will be asked to provide your email to reach you if you are chosen in the drawing and/or to schedule an interview. If you agree to participate and complete the survey, you will be added to a drawing for 20 students to receive a $20 compensation. The drawing will be held among the students who completed the survey. The amount will be paid after the survey link is closes. The odds of winning depend on how many students participate. If 500 hundred students participate, the chance of winning will be 1/25 for the survey.


At the end of the survey, you will be asked whether you want to participate in an interview. The purpose of this interview is to reach a deeper understanding of how pre-service school counselors perceive giftedness, policies related to gifted education, and differentiation and acceleration. If you agree, one of the researchers will contact you via email or phone to arrange a meeting time. The interviews will be held online or by phone and will last approximately 45-60 minutes. The interviews will be audio recorded. The procedures in this study are not experimental. ​If you agree to participate in the interview, you will get a $20 e-gift card.


Please be assured that your participation (personal information, survey, and interview responses) will be kept confidential. Each participant will be assigned a unique code, and all data pertaining to that participant will be labeled with this code. All data will be kept in Secure Purdue Box and accessible by the research team. Publications related to this study will not include identifiable references to subjects’ identities.


Here is the link to the survey: https://purdue.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_ac4vwN0fHXOPpGK