Research Opportunity: Professional Identity Development of Counselor and Counselor Educator Trainees

Participation is open to counselor trainees (CT) from all specialty areas who meet the inclusion criteria listed below.

  1. You are 18 years of age or older
  2. You are a graduate-level CT or doctoral-level CET student, enrolled in a counseling training or CES program based in the United States
  3. You were enrolled in a field experience course (i.e., Practicum, Internship I, or Internship II) in Spring semester, or recently completed a field experience course, within the past six months, but have not earned the degree you are pursuing

If you are interested in and eligible to participate in this study, please click here or scan the QR code below to learn more about the study and provide consent. Also, if you know anyone who meets the inclusion criteria listed above, please forward this email and/or the attached flyer to them.

Study activities include completion of the following:

  1. An informed consent form indicating your consent to participate in this study
  2. A screening and demographic questionnaire
  3. Completing the Professional Identity Scale in Counseling (PISC)
  4. Completing the Students’ Evaluation of Educational Quality (SEEQ)

If you have any questions about this study, its purpose, and/or its procedures, or encounter any difficulties with accessing the survey, please contact the Principal Investigator, Lorraine Joseph, at or you can contact dissertation chair and research supervisor, Dr. Adrienne Baggs at