Invitation to Participate in Research



Are you a graduate student in a mental health-related graduate program (psychology, counseling, social work, etc.)?


If so, we invite you to participate in a research study that explores how your experiences with your program are related to mindfulness, burnout, and professional factors. Just to note, you do not need experience with mindfulness meditation to participate in this study.

The survey should take approximately 10-12 minutes to complete. Your participation in this study is voluntary, you are free to withdraw from the study at any time, or you may choose not to answer any specific questions. You will have from 5/9/22 to 5/16/22 to complete the survey after which the link to participate will no longer be active.


Responses are completely confidential to the extent provided by law. Only aggregated data are used without any identification of individual responses. Data are stored on a secure website in anonymous form. The participant’s name will not be recorded on any survey materials. No links between participant information and participant responses will be recorded or maintained (i.e., no IP addresses are maintained). Participant names will not be used in any report, participant e-mail address will never be traced, and data will be safely stored on a secured website and in a locked filing cabinet.

This study is sponsored by the University of Utah Department of Educational Psychology and has been approved by the University of Utah Institutional Review Board with IRB number 00149678.

To locate this study online click here:



Thank you for your time and consideration,


Ryan Mayfield, B.S.

Principal Investigator and Ph.D. Student

University of Utah



Jennifer Taylor, Ph.D.

Co-Investigator and Associate Professor

University of Utah
