My name is Jessica Guess and I am a doctoral student at University of Cincinnati under the direction of Dr. Amanda La Guardia. To fulfill the requirements for the doctoral dissertation I am conducting a study called “Disability Competence in Counseling Faculty and Students as an Independent Facet of Multicultural Competence.” This study will help me better understand the relationship between disability competence and multicultural competence in CACREP-accredited clinical mental health counseling students and faculty. The information obtained will be useful for counseling students, counselor educators, professional counselors. For this study, you are invited to participate in an anonymous online survey on disability competence, multicultural competence, and social desirability.
About the study:· One 20-30 minute voluntary questionnaire
· To protect your privacy, the questionnaire will be anonymous
· You can withdraw at any time
· This study has been approved by the University of Cincinnati IRB #2022-0222
Participants must meet these requirements:
· You are over the age of 18
and either:
· You are a student in CACREP-accredited clinical mental health counseling graduate program
· You are a faculty member in a CACREP-accredited clinical mental health counseling program
To confidentially participate:
STUDENT Survey link:
FACULTY Survey link:
Thank you,
Jessica Guess, MS, Doctoral Candidate513-399-5997
Dissertation Chair: Dr. Amanda La Guardia can be reached at