You are invited to the DePaul College of Education’s Fall 2024 forum!


Teaching opportunities and challenges as the 2024 election approaches!

Monday, September 30th,  5:30 to 7 pm (CST)  Livestreamed to YouTube.

Registration required. Registration link below.

 The 2024 election will soon be here, and our fall forum will explore how students are thinking and feeling about the contentious lead-up to the 2024 election and what educators can do in the classroom to respond to students concerns and the need for accurate information.

A panel of educators from very different communities will discuss how they are approaching discussions about the election with their students.  The panel includes Pakaj Sharma, a Social Studies and Civics teacher at Niles North High School, a diverse multi-cultural community; Shonda Ronen, the Principal at Wolf Ridge Education Center (a K-8 school) in Bunker Hill, a small rural community in downstate Illinois, and Hector Sanchez, Social Studies and bilingual teacher at Greater Lawndale High School for Social Justice, Chicago. Our opening speaker who will set the stage for the panel is Dr. Leah Bueso, Assistant Professor of Urban Education at the University of Illinois Springfield and a researcher with the Civic Engagement Research Group.

The panel will consider questions such as:  What is the responsibility of educators to engage students in discussions about the election and how do you begin?  How can you center students’ lived experience and engage in civil, reflective classroom talk and deal with the tough challenge of talking about divisive and polarized issues?  What information do your students need to know in order to understand the complexities of the election? What kind of support and resources do educators need to do this work successfully? And after November 5, helping students process the results of the election.  The forum is relevant for all grades (K-8 and high school) and all subjects.


Once you register, you will be sent a link to access the forum by September 25th.  Please share this notice and the attached flyer with your colleagues.

For more information, contact Dr. Diane Horwitz at

Educating for Democracy – Check out the event flyer here