Dear Fellow Graduate Student!
My name is Taylor Karnilaw and I am a doctoral student in counseling psychology at the University at Albany, State University of New York. I would like to invite you to participate in a study that explores how Masters trainee’s efficacy beliefs develop in supervision and influence their eventual career goals. This study has been approved by the University at Albany’s Institutional Review Board, IRB Protocol #:24X102.
This study is open to anyone who meets the following criteria:
- Currently enrolled in a CACREP or MPCAC-accredited master’s program in counseling
- Seeing clients for at least three months and currently working with at least three clients
- Are receiving weekly clinical supervision from one consistent supervisor for at least three months
- Is at least 18 years of age
Participation will involve completing a confidential online survey that is expected to take between 15-20 minutes of your time. Participation in this study is completely voluntary and you are free to exit the survey at any time.
As a thank you for participating, at the end of the survey, you will be given the opportunity to enter into a drawing to win one of ten $15 gift certificates. If you choose to provide your email address to be entered into the drawing, it will be collected separately from the rest of your survey responses.
If you believe you are eligible and would like to participate, please use the link below and enter the password Counseling1 to begin the survey:
If you have any questions, please contact me at or Dr. Hung-Bin Sheu, at Please feel free to share this message with others that you think may be eligible to participate in the study.
Thank you very much and best of luck in your training!