Participate in Research Study!

Counseling students, please see the message below regarding an opportunity to participate in a research study.


I am a doctoral candidate in Counselor Education and Supervision at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. I am conducting a quantitative study on the relationship between an individual supervisor’s cultural humility and engagement of cultural opportunities on the strength of the supervisory relationship.

The study has the potential to assist supervisors and counselor educators to understand the cultural processes in the supervisory relationship. The research can potentially assist supervisors in cultivating cultural humility and preventing behaviors that can harm the supervisory relationship and/or the supervisee.

If you are a counseling graduate student or provisionally licensed counselor that is currently under individual supervision please consider completing this survey and contributing to my study. The responses will be confidential and will take 15-20 minutes.

Thank you for considering volunteering your valuable time to this study.

It would be great if you would announce it to others who may qualify.”

Survey Link

Additionally, the IRB approval letter can be found here.