Opportunity to Participate in Study

Dear school counseling master’s students,

My name is Jihyeon Choi, and I am a doctoral candidate in Counselor Education program at The Ohio State University. For my dissertation, I am developing the Multicultural and Social Justice School Counseling Competencies Scale (MSJSCCS).

Multicultural and social justice school counseling is at the core of our profession, and we need to be advancing this work. Would you be able to consider participating in this study so that this scale can be used for school counselors and school counseling master’s students? In order to participate in this study, you need to be a…

  • current school counselor OR
  • school counseling master’s student who completed at least one semester of practicum

It takes approximately 15-20 minutes to complete this survey. An anonymous survey link will be utilized when collecting data, and the demographic information will be reported in an aggregated form. Therefore, it is impossible to identify a certain individual based on the collected data.

Here is the link to the survey: https://go.osu.edu/msjsccs

Or use this QR code:

In appreciation of your participation, 10 participants will be randomly drawn and provided with a $50 gift card.

If you have any questions or concerns about this study, feel free to reach out to me at choi.1601@osu.edu. Thank you.


Jihyeon Choi

Jihyeon Choi (she/her/hers)

Doctoral Candidate, Counselor Education

Graduate Teaching Associate

College of Education and Human Ecology

The Ohio State University