Free Membership for Graduate Students

Are you a graduate student?

We want you to join us! Illinois Association for College Admission Counseling (IACAC) is proud to announce that membership will be FREE for full-time graduate students for the 2021-2022 membership cycle! Get involved in a committee, gain an experienced mentor, attend the Annual Conference, or dive into our members only portal with amazing networking opportunities. We want you to take advantage of the wonderful benefits of IACAC at a rate you cannot pass up! For more information about the benefits of membership, visit:

Questions? Contact

TOMORROW: Resume/Cover Letter Workshop

REMINDER: You’re invited to an upcoming Resume/Cover Letter Workshop! Learn from Mary K. Wendel, Career Counselor and DePaul Counseling Alum. This workshop is ideal for 2nd years currently applying for internships but is open to all DePaul Counseling students.

When: Thursday, January 20, 2022 from 4:30 to 5:15pm

Meeting ID: 672 013 5740

Questions? Contact Erin Oberman, CSI Professional Development Chair (

Sponsored by Chi Sigma Iota, DPU Chapter (on instagram @dpu.csi)

Please Support the CARE for Mental Health Act

The Compacts, Access , and Responsible Expansion (C.A.R.E) for Mental Health Professionals Act, H.R. 6076, seeks to reform licensure to include interstate mental health provider network. Introduced by U.S. Representative Joe Neguse, this legislation would expand access to mental health services for those seeking services across state lines. Eliminating unnecessary licensure barriers to interstate counseling services would allow for continuity of care, expedite the mobility of health professionals to address workforce needs and expand the availability of mental health services.

Currently, it is estimated 120 million Americans live in areas with shortages of mental health services, making them vulnerable to declining mental health. As a licensed professional counselor, you have firsthand experience to provide lawmakers regarding the urgent mental health needs of your clients as Congress makes major health policy decisions this year.

Sadly, the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the mental health crisis in the U.S. and highlighted the shortage of mental health providers. Due to the advancements in technology over the past few years, the way we communicate has connected communities across the country, as we are no longer separated by state lines. Portability of licensure would meet these current needs to connect rural, disconnected and economically disadvantaged communities with the mental health services they desperately need.

The American Counseling Association (ACA) is calling on you to share your story and let your voice be heard so that everyone has access to needed mental health services.


Click the link below to log in and send your message:

Immediate Job Opening

Irma C. Ruiz Elementary School is seeking to hire a full-time professional school counselor effective immediately. Ruiz Elementary is a fine & performing arts magnet cluster elementary school serving pre-k to 8 grade students in the Pilsen community. It is made up of 523 students, 36% of which are English Language Learners. Here is a link to the Illinois Report Card:

The job requirements:  Master’s degree in school counseling AND current ISBE Professional Educator License (PEL) with a School Counseling Endorsement
Job Responsibilities include:
  • Create, Implement, and Evaluate a Comprehensive School Counseling Program aligned with the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) REACH Framework for School Counselors. The Framework is aligned to the American School Counselor Association National Model for School Counseling Programs and outlines a comprehensive counseling program that delivers services equitably to all students in the building
  • The school counselor will conduct an annual needs assessment and data review to identify critical areas of student need.
  • The school counselor will then create targeted program goals aligned to the schoolwide goals, mission, and vision
  • In order to reach all students, the school counselor will design, conduct, and co-teach learning activities in classroom, large group, and/or school wide settings, based on the academic, career, postsecondary and social/emotional needs of the students so as to facilitate the infusion of school counseling as an integral component of the total education curricula
  • In collaboration with students, staff, and families, the school counselor will provide responsive services to address students’ barriers to academic achievement
  • Indirect services are provided on behalf of students as a result of the school counselor’s interactions with others. Activities to support this objective may include: referral of students/families to district and community resources; sharing strategies that support student achievement with parents, teachers, other educators, and community organizations; serving as a student advocate to promote student development within the three domains; serving as the school’s resident expert on student development; reaching out to other experts and stakeholders to obtain information on students’ needs; teaming/partnering/serving on committees and advisory boards; creating formalized partnerships with community based organizations
  • So as to stay current with evidenced-based practices in the field, the school counselor will actively participate in district, state, and national professional development; participate in professional associations; read professional journals; attend workshops and conferences; engage in continuing education coursework
If interested, please reach out to the Principal:
Marla Elitzer

ICA School Counselor Interest Group: Town Hall Meeting (virtual)

Please join us on Tuesday, January 18th for a virtual town hall meeting to discuss ICA’s School Counselor Interest Group! Have your questions answered and let your voice be heard! Join Interest Group Chair Steve Murray, LPC and Director of Counseling at Notre Dame College Prep in discussing our vision and goals.

When: Tuesday, January 18th, 6:30pm CST

Where: Virtual (click the link to join:


Please email with any questions!


Join ICA School Counselor Interest Group:

Applying for internships/jobs?

You’re invited to an upcoming Resume/Cover Letter Workshop! Learn from Mary K. Wendel, Career Counselor and DePaul Counseling Alum. This workshop is ideal for 2nd years currently applying for internships but is open to all DePaul Counseling students.

When: Thursday, January 20, 2022 from 4:30 to 5:15pm

Meeting ID: 672 013 5740

Questions? Contact Erin Oberman, CSI Professional Development Chair (

Sponsored by Chi Sigma Iota, DPU Chapter

Job Opportunities: MH Clinician in the Pacific Northwest

Lane County Behavioral Health in Eugene, Oregon is hiring!

Message from Olivia McClelland, Clinical Services Manager: we are committed to building strong clinical teams that will serve as examples of excellence in public mental health care. These are terrific positions for graduating clinicians as well as seasoned professionals who are looking to make a difference for vulnerable citizens in our community while working within multi-disciplinary teams. We offer very reasonable workload expectations, opportunities for professional development including supporting licensure supervision and excellent wages and benefits. As a federally qualified health center, we qualify for multiple student loan forgiveness programs.  All of this, and we are located in the beautiful pacific northwest.

Job postings:

Child & Adolescent Outpatient Therapist:  Job Posting – CAP

Forensic Mental Health Specialist: Job Posting – FITT MHS

Trial Visit Monitor: Job Posting – TVM-SRMHS

Adult Outpatient Therapist: Job Posting – 370, Job Posting – AdultGen


Please contact Olivia with additional questions: