Research Participant Request

You are invited to participate in a research study examining counselor competency for working with clients identifying as trans and gender expansive. The purpose of this study is to understand programmatic training related to preparing students to work with trans clients.

In order to participate, you must fit the following criteria:
       Current full-time/part-time enrollment in a CACREP-accredited master’s counseling program.
       Have completed your required practicum hours.
       Are currently working towards hours for your required master’s internship experience.
All participants are entitled to be entered in a drawing for the chance to win one of four gift cards worth $25 to If you are interested in the drawing, following the completion of the survey, you will be directed to write to an email address to express interest in entering the drawing.  You are not required to email the researcher if you are not interested in being entered in the drawing.

This study is strictly confidential; information will not be linked to your responses. Total duration to complete the necessary information will take no longer than 20 minutes. Participation in this research study is voluntary. You have the right to stop at any time. If you are willing to volunteer for this study, please click on the link below which will take you to the informed consent and survey for the study.  Please feel free to forward this email to other counseling students/instructors. 
For any questions or concerns, please contact any of the following researchers: 
Deanna Cor or 503.725.4611
Michelle N. Saltis (
Megan Shaine (

This Friday! CSL Advising Meeting

Reminder: Group Advising Meeting for all counseling students is happening this Friday, February 25, from 12:00-1:00pm.

The purpose of this advising meeting is to provide students with current information on faculty roles, internship considerations, professional dispositions, and relevant resources available to students.

Open to all counseling students. This meeting is not required but you are strongly encouraged to attend.


Substance Use Concerns? 2/24 Webinar on the Illinois Helpline for Opioids and Other Substance

What is the Illinois Helpline?
Webinar: Thursday, February 24, 2022
Please join us on the last Thursday of any month, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm, to learn about the Illinois Helpline for Opioids and Other Substances. The Helpline is a centralized information and referral hub helping to connect individuals to harm reduction, recovery, and support services across the state.
Participating in this webinar will leave you with a greater understanding of the Illinois Helpline, including how to connect with us, how to connect people in your care to appropriate Substance Use Disorder services, and/or how to offer your services to Helpline callers. You will have a chance to ask questions about how the Illinois Helpline is organized and how to engage with the Provider Portal, and you will be invited to share feedback on your experience with the Helpline. You will also have an opportunity to network with others who support individuals experiencing Substance Use Disorder in Illinois.
Next opportunity to participate:
Thursday, February 24, 2022
from 11:00 am until 12:00 pm CT 
Please register in advance for this event.
Who should attend?
  • People experiencing Substance Use Disorder
  • Family and loved ones of individuals experiencing Substance Use Disorder
  • Case managers and other social service providers
  • Substance Use Support and Recovery Providers
  • Law enforcement and probation personnel
  • Anyone interested in learning more about the Helpline or how to support folks experiencing Substance Use Disorder
For more information on the Illinois Helpline generally or this webinar specifically, please contact Bryan Gooding, Helpline Community Outreach and Engagement Coordinator, at
The Illinois Helpline for Opioids and Other Substances is the only statewide, public resource for finding substance use treatment and recovery services in Illinois.
Public Health Institute of Metropolitan Chicago (PHIMC) enhances the capacity of public health and healthcare systems to promote health equity and expand access to services. Since 2018, PHIMC has partnered with Health Resources in Action (HRiA) and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to manage outreach and community engagement for the Illinois Helpline for Opioids and other Substances.

Research Opportunity

Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines metaphor as a word or phrase for one thing that is used to refer to another thing to show or suggest that they are similar. Analogies or creative stories (such as events within novels, tv shows, movies, etc.) can be considered therapeutic metaphors when they are used by a counselor to assist a client within the therapy process. 
Participants are needed for a research study to explore the use of metaphor with LGBTQ+ counseling clients. To participate in the study, you would need to have been previously a client within individual therapy (i. e., not couples or family therapy). You must also be able to clearly remember the metaphor(s) that was used within your therapy.  
You may be eligible if you: 
  • Identify as LGBTQ+ 
  • Over 18 years of age 
  • Previously a client in individual therapy in the Midwest 
  • Experienced the use of metaphor within at least two sessions of the therapy 
Please Note: any previous relationship or connection to either of the researchers will disqualify you from participating in the study. 
What you should expect: 
  • A recorded interview 60-minute interview on Zoom that will include questions about your experiences in therapy in general, and specifically how you experienced the use of metaphor in therapy.  
  • Two examples of questions you will be asked in the interview are: 
“Has a metaphor used in therapy either helped conceptualize a problem or helped you grow?” 
     “How have you felt about the use of metaphor in therapy?” 
  • One 15- to 30- minute follow-up interview. 
  • You will also be asked to respond to a supplemental email with questions about your experiences of metaphor in therapy. 
  • Participation is completely voluntary, and you may end the interview at any time.  
  • Your participation and information will be kept confidential. 
*This interview is not counseling and should not be mistaken for a therapy session* 
Joan Friedrich at or Dr. John Beckenbach at 
Joan Friedrich at; or the Adler Institutional Review Board at 

COE Engagement Opportunities with Students

  1. We have three students seats open on the Committee for Racial Justice and Systemic Change that we’re looking to fill. We currently have two applicants at the master’s level, but none at the undergraduate and doctoral levels. Students can apply by completing this form: Applications are due Monday, Feb. 21.
  2. A group of students, faculty, and staff are hosting a student leadership forum on Monday, Feb. 21 from 4:00 – 5:00. We’re looking for students interested in leadership in the COE to help design a student advisory board or student council. Find more information about this event here:

Job Opportunity

Disaster Mental Health Coordinator
Job Summary
Disaster Mental Health Coordinator – Office of Adult Mental Health
This is a position with the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities, Division of Behavioral Health, under the direct supervision of the Director of the Office of Adult Mental Health. This position is funded through a contract between the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD) and the Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH). The Disaster Mental Health Coordinator assumes a lead role under the DPH Healthcare Preparedness Program grant, working closely with the DPH Office of Emergency Preparedness and Response, and in DBHDD through planning and implementation of Georgia’s disaster mental health preparedness, response and disaster recovery activities. Working closely with the DPH and local district health offices, the Coordinator develops DPH’s plan for improving healthcare community preparedness for mental health response capacity. This position provides technical assistance for local and regional community disaster mental health preparedness activities and represents DPH and DBHDD to external organizations on relevant emergency preparedness mental health issues.
Coordinates DBHDD’s disaster mental health program during all phases of disaster (preparedness, response and disaster recovery). This includes DBHDD’s public mental health provider system and engagement with GCC, State Emergency Registry of Volunteers in Georgia and Medical Reserve Corps members. Leads DBHDD’s Two Peachtree Emergency Operations Center volunteer team and provides on-call 24/7 coverage to DPH.
Secures funding and provides oversight for Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program grants.
The Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD) is the state agency that focuses solely on policies, programs, and services for people with mental health challenges, substance use disorders, intellectual and developmental disabilities, or any combination of these. As Georgia’s public safety net, DBHDD operates six field offices and five hospitals throughout the state within three program areas: behavioral health, developmental disabilities and hospital services.
For more detailed information and to apply click link below:

NCE Test Preparation Opportunity

NCE/LPC Test Preparation: live online Friday & Saturday, February 25-26, 2022, 9am – 4pm each day

Presenter: Dr. Kevin Kusy
12 CEs
The NCE is a computerized exam, comprised of 200 multiple choice questions. Prepare yourself by taking this test prep course to help you pass the exam. Topic areas include: Human Growth and Development, Social and Cultural Foundations, Helping Relationships, Group Work, Career and Lifestyle Development, Appraisal, Research and Program Evaluation, Professional Orientation, and Ethics.

Register here:

Feedback on our latest NCE Online training:

  • “This was a very informative workshop. Dr. Kusy was very knowledgeable and provided a lot of information. The handouts provided are so helpful!”
  • “Overall, this was a great workshop, worthy of the investment to ensure that I pass the NCE exam.”
  • “The presenter simplified the material by giving examples along with actual real world experiences, and had great pacing and delivery.”
  • “I loved the thoroughness of this two-day test prep workshop, and the ability to interact and participate remotely was so convenient.”

Scholarship Opportunity (due 2/28)

Illinois College Counseling Association (ICCA) Student Scholarship Award

ICCA would like to support a student that is currently enrolled in a counseling graduate program with an intent to work with college students in a college setting.

Amount: $500 for tuition and supplies

Application procedures:

  • Submit a 500 word essay stating goals and desire for providing counseling in a college setting
  • Submit one letter of recommendation from a professor, supervisor, or employer

Please submit an application by February 28, 2022 to ICCA President Danice McGrath @ In the subject field, please write ICCA SCHOLARSHIP.