Month: February 2022
Recording of today’s CSL Advising Meeting (CSL Program-Wide Faculty Advising Meeting, 2/25/22)
Happy Friday!
See you at noon! CSL Advising Meeting
Final reminder about the advising meeting happening TODAY (Friday 2/25) from noon to 1pm. This meeting is open to all counseling students.
Fridays 10-3: Study Sessions in the COE
*Any additional support, feel free to reach out to Nora Murphy, Director of the Academic Success Center, at NMURPHY4@DEPAUL.EDU
Research Participant Request
In order to participate, you must fit the following criteria:
This study is strictly confidential; information will not be linked to your responses. Total duration to complete the necessary information will take no longer than 20 minutes. Participation in this research study is voluntary. You have the right to stop at any time. If you are willing to volunteer for this study, please click on the link below which will take you to the informed consent and survey for the study. Please feel free to forward this email to other counseling students/instructors.
This Friday! CSL Advising Meeting
Reminder: Group Advising Meeting for all counseling students is happening this Friday, February 25, from 12:00-1:00pm.
The purpose of this advising meeting is to provide students with current information on faculty roles, internship considerations, professional dispositions, and relevant resources available to students.
Open to all counseling students. This meeting is not required but you are strongly encouraged to attend.
Substance Use Concerns? 2/24 Webinar on the Illinois Helpline for Opioids and Other Substance
Next opportunity to participate:
Thursday, February 24, 2022
from 11:00 am until 12:00 pm CT
Please register in advance for this event.
- People experiencing Substance Use Disorder
- Family and loved ones of individuals experiencing Substance Use Disorder
- Case managers and other social service providers
- Substance Use Support and Recovery Providers
- Law enforcement and probation personnel
- Anyone interested in learning more about the Helpline or how to support folks experiencing Substance Use Disorder
Research Opportunity
- Identify as LGBTQ+
- Over 18 years of age
- Previously a client in individual therapy in the Midwest
- Experienced the use of metaphor within at least two sessions of the therapy
- A recorded interview 60-minute interview on Zoom that will include questions about your experiences in therapy in general, and specifically how you experienced the use of metaphor in therapy.
- Two examples of questions you will be asked in the interview are:
- One 15- to 30- minute follow-up interview.
- You will also be asked to respond to a supplemental email with questions about your experiences of metaphor in therapy.
- Participation is completely voluntary, and you may end the interview at any time.
- Your participation and information will be kept confidential.
COE Engagement Opportunities with Students
- We have three students seats open on the Committee for Racial Justice and Systemic Change that we’re looking to fill. We currently have two applicants at the master’s level, but none at the undergraduate and doctoral levels. Students can apply by completing this form: Applications are due Monday, Feb. 21.
- A group of students, faculty, and staff are hosting a student leadership forum on Monday, Feb. 21 from 4:00 – 5:00. We’re looking for students interested in leadership in the COE to help design a student advisory board or student council. Find more information about this event here: