Temporary School Counselor (Professional School Counselor) (Job Number: P091940)

Requirements:  Master’s degree in school counseling AND current ISBE Professional Educator License (PEL) with a School Counseling Endorsement          
Reports to: Principal
Evaluated by: Principal
As vital members of the school’s educational leadership team, professional school counselors provide comprehensive, developmental supports within the academic, personal/social, and career domains to ensure that today’s students become the productive, well-adjusted adults of tomorrow. School counselors are uniquely trained professional educators with a mental health perspective who understand and respond to the challenges presented by today’s diverse student population. School counselors provide proactive leadership to engage all stakeholders in the delivery of programs and services to help all students achieve success in school1.
Create, Implement, and Evaluate a Comprehensive School Counseling Program aligned with the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) REACH Framework for School Counselors1:
The Framework is aligned to the American School Counselor Association National Model for School Counseling Programs2 and outlines a comprehensive counseling program that delivers services equitably to all students in the building.
Conduct Annual Needs Assessments and Data Reviews to Determine and Prioritize Student Needs:
The school counselor will conduct an annual needs assessment and data review to identify critical areas of student need. The school counselor will then create targeted program goals aligned to the schoolwide goals, mission, and vision. This ensures that school counseling services address critical areas of demonstrated need, resulting in improved academic achievement.
Implement the School Counseling Core Curriculum:
In order to reach all students, the school counselor will design, conduct, and co-teach learning activities in classroom, large group, and/or school wide settings, based on the academic, career, postsecondary and social/emotional needs of the students so as to facilitate the infusion of school counseling as an integral component of the total education curricula. Activities to support this objective may include: classroom guidance; high school/college/career fairs; high school/college/career tours; grade-level or school-wide team building activities.
Provide Individual Student Planning Activities:
In collaboration with students, staff, and families, the school counselor will create an academic plan that ultimately results in the successful obtainment of a diploma and postsecondary option(s) of choice. Activities to support this objective may include: facilitation of completion of the Individual Learning Plan in Naviance; transition activities (i.e orientations, HS app process); events to inform families of test results and their implications for educational planning; advisement to ensure students are on-track to the next grade level or phase in life.
Provide Responsive Services:
In collaboration with students, staff, and families, the school counselor will provide responsive services to address students’ barriers to academic achievement. Activities to support this objective may include: facilitation of small groups; structured, short-term, goal-oriented individual counseling sessions; participation in building-level student assistance teams; facilitation of conferences with students, teachers, and families; consultation with teachers, families, and external partners regarding the developmental needs of students; schoolwide support during crisis or emergency situations; participation in IEP/504 Plan teams. Please note that school counselors do NOT provide therapeutic treatment of a mental, emotional, or bodily disorder.
Provide Indirect Student Support:
Indirect services are provided on behalf of students as a result of the school counselor’s interactions with others. Activities to support this objective may include: referral of students/families to district and community resources; sharing strategies that support student achievement with parents, teachers, other educators, and community organizations; serving as a student advocate to promote student development within the three domains; serving as the school’s resident expert on student development; reaching out to other experts and stakeholders to obtain information on students’ needs; teaming/partnering/serving on committees and advisory boards; creating formalized partnerships with community based organizations.
Provide System Support:
As professionals, leaders, and advocates in the school building, the school counselor will coordinate, conduct and participate in activities that contribute to the effective operation of the school consistent with the approved school counseling program. Activities to support this objective may include: creation of an annual school counseling Evidence-Based Implementation Plan and Annual Agreement to support overall school goals and objectives; creation and delivery of needs assessments to determine the primary needs of students according to a variety of audiences; collection and aggregation of multiple data sources in order to determine need, as well as to progress monitor counseling interventions; protection of planning time for the creation and modification of counseling interventions; coordination of professional development/inservice programs for faculty and staff.
Participate in Regular Professional Development:
So as to stay current with evidenced-based practices in the field, the school counselor will actively participate in district, state, and national professional development; participate in professional associations; read professional journals; attend workshops and conferences; engage in continuing education coursework.