ISCA Opportunities

Do you want to learn, network, and have fun? Do you want to give back to ICA? Are you passionate about counseling? Are you looking for an opportunity to get your foot in the door on your way to a leadership position?

Volunteer for any of these committees HERE or email us for more information at!

Volunteer Interest Form

Opportunities with ICA

  • Awards Committee
  • Bylaws and Policies Committee
  • Diversity in Leadership Taskforce
  • Ethics Committee
  • Graduate Student Committee
  • Human Rights Committee
  • Insurance Taskforce
  • Leadership Development Academy Committee
  • Membership Committee
  • Policy & Legislation Committee
  • Professional Development Committee
  • Publications Committee
  • Public Relations Committee
  • Webinar Taskforce

Conference Volunteers (Student Members Only)

Additional Information:

  • Awards Committee – Review awards, solicit award nominees, and assist President Elect-Elect with awards ceremony at November annual conference.
  • Bylaws and Policies Committee – Review all proposed additions, revisions, and deletions to the ICA Bylaws and Policies and Procedures Manual.
  • Diversity in Leadership Taskforce – Promote and encourage the continued efforts of diversity in leadership within ICA.
  • Ethics Committee – Responsible for educating the membership on matters concerning the Ethical Standards of ACA.
  • Graduate Student Committee – Represent the interest of graduate students, coordinate efforts to assist ICA in maximizing relevancy to students, assist with coordination of graduate student volunteers, and encourage graduate student members and counselor educators
  • Human Rights Committee – Promote programs and informational resources which proactively address human rights, societal trends, and social issues most relevant to the profession and react to the barriers that interfere with human rights.
  • Insurance Taskforce – Provide ICA members with information, trends, resources and advocacy with regards to working with insur.ance companies and in behavioral healthcare in general.
  • Leadership Development Academy (LDA) Committee – Responsible for the planning and implementation of the ICA LDA.
  • Membership Committee – Strategize and proactively seek out new members and renewal of existing members.
  • Policy & Legislation Committee – Plans activities that involve, inform, and provide interaction for ICA members relating to political or governmental issues.
  • Professional Development Committee – Review and coordinate professional development activities of ICA and co-sponsored activities of ICA divisions and chapters.
  • Public Relations Committee – Responsible for communicating the role and function of professional counselors both within and outside the Association.
  • Webinar Taskforce – Assist ICA and divisions in webinar presentations, earn free CEs, and help make the presentation run smoothly.

Conference Volunteers (Student Members Only) – Graduate student registration deposit is $10 which will be returned in cash at the completion of your service. Graduate student volunteers are required to volunteer for ONE time slot and are free to attend the rest of the annual conference as they please